Goon's World Extras

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Will Mario get suspended and not Hepp or Marvin?

This was on Brad's twitter this morning. If this is true this it’s an utter joke. The message that I got from this that it's ok to leave a bench to engage in a scrum (worthy of a 10 game suspension in the NHL) but to drop the gloves and then not even fight is worthy of a 1 game suspension? This is the same length of suspension for a CFB that caused an injury to the oppostion player. Are you kidding me? Mind you the other player involved in this discussion was more than willingly, dropped his gloves and was more than willing to fight but was stopped by the refs. Said player actually dropped his gloves a little earlier than Mario.
@SchlossmanGF Word is that the WCHA is looking to suspend Lamoureux for one game, but UND is appealing. Official decision Thursday. about 5 hours ago from TweetDeck Retweeted by you and 1 other
SchlossmanGF : @KVSCHockey Source was uncertain about Marvin or Hepp, but thought they might be OK to play this weekend. Should know Thursday afternoon. about 5 hours ago from TweetDeck

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I might boycott watching or attending WCHA games (until McCloud is fired) if this scenario plays out and Lammy is supended but not the other two.

    What a joke. Lamoureux did the exact same thing Marvin did, how can you suspend one but not the other?

  2. that fire helmet guy is reporting that he saw somewhere that hepp is being issued a one game suspension as well.

    if all three go, then fine. if it's just lammy and hepp or just lammy, then some serious explaining is in order.

  3. How would boycotting watching or attending WCHA games affect anything? This is typical WCHA.

  4. This is such a joke! We need to get an answer why Marvin got a pass. He was willing to go and its CFB that started it if you want to go back. WCHA is a joke when it comes down to the officals. Need big time changes.

  5. poor game-time officiating is frustrating, but there's nothing one can do about it as long as the league refuses to replace poor officials.

    poor handling of post-game punishments isn't just frustrating, it would seem it's blatant cheating on the part of wcha officals.

    i mean, if a ref misses a call in a game, then the league can simply say "sorry we missed that, but that happens from time to time" and we just all have to deal with it cause it's too late to do anything about it.

    same goes for a ref using poor judgement in discretionary calls. we may not like the call, or non-call in some situations, but if it's the officials discretion, then we just have to swallow it.

    however, by handing down a suspension based on an official league rule to one player while allowing another player to walk away free for committing the same offense is not something we should just have to deal with.

    if the league rules state a specific penalty for a specific offense, then the officials shouldn't have any discretion when enforcing those rules as they might for certain game-time circumstances.

    let's say, for example, an nfl ref calls holding when there really wasn't any holding committed. well, that sucks for the team who holding was called on, but that's the way it goes.

    now, if a player punches a player from the opposing team on the sideline and the nfl league rulebook states that such an offense results in at least a one-game suspension, then the officials do not have the discretion to simply not hand down any suspension for such an offense. they must hand down at least a one-game suspension.

    this is not acceptable. if marvin does not get a one-game suspension, then the officials are blatantly making a judgement call in a situation where no judgement should be allowed.

  6. FHG26, if enough people boycott games then the league loses money and if the league start losing money they will start making changes.
