Goon's World Extras

Thursday, February 18, 2010

WCHA suspends UND's Lamoureux, SCSU's Hepp

Here is the latest update. This is turning into a debacle; Mario and Hepp will be suspended for a game stemming from last weekend's series with the SCSU Huskies. Orginally It sounded like the league originally only wanted to suspend Lamoureux but it sounds like UND sent a tape to the league office showing Chris Hepp coming off the player’s bench to engage MacWilliam. This is basically another display of stupidity from the WCHA; this ruling by the WCHA makes them look like a Kangaroo Court. If you think I am joking look it up, This ruling just confirms how most of us feel about Shepherd and McLeod, buffoonery in action. Props to our friend 60 Minutes.
Grand Forks Herald: The WCHA has suspended UND forward Mario Lamoureux and St. Cloud State forward Chriss Hepp for one game for "their actions" during Saturday night's game.

Lamoureux challenged St. Cloud State forward Aaron Marvin to a fight in the first period. Both players dropped their gloves, but no punches were thrown.

Hepp left the bench to join an altercation in the third period.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Well at least they aren't pretending to be even handed anymore.

    They never were, but they were acting like they expected us to believe they were.

  2. Why isn't Marvin getting a suspension as well? If the WCHA is going to arbitrarily apply the rules, then they should at least be consistent and suspend Marvin since he was just as involved in that non-fight as Lamouruex. Oh wait, this is the WCHA. You can ruin a guy's career and get suspended the same amount of games as you do for intending to fight. BS.

  3. That is why I referred to the WCHA as a Kangaroo Court.

  4. Mario is his own worst enemy. When he was running his mouth to the media he admitted that he iniated the fight and threw in more comments that pretty much sealed his fate.


  5. This is what Marvin Said:
    "I respect that they wanted to come this weekend and play for Chay," Marvin said. "They definitely did that today.
    "Who knows whether this is the end of it or not? They're reacting the same way we would if one of our players got hurt.
    "First and foremost, they wanted to beat us on the scoreboard and they did that. They deserved to win. They outplayed us."

    he is not running and hiding so I think a suspension for him would be appropriate as well.

  6. are you saying that Mario should be suspended and Marvin should not? Just because Mario ran his mouth off to the media does mean that Marvin should get a pass. I think Mario should have been suspended. But to be fair, so should Marvin. Or do you disagree?

  7. there is no reason marvin is not also being suspended. somebody tell me who i, and everybody else, can contact to complain about this blatant display of discretion by officials in a situation where no discretion should be allowed?

    on another note, the quote by marvin, as posted by goon, does make me dislike him less. i respect that he understands our team's point of view and even admits he'd feel the same way if the tables were turned.

    i've heard that marvin is actually a pretty good guy who just made a mistake in judgement when he hit chay. this quote helps me to believe that a little more than i did before.

    still, though, he quite likely took our best player out of the line-up for the whole season so full forgivness is a long way off; perhaps he'll lead team u.s.a. to gold someday - then i'll probably forgive him.

  8. I assume that the league told the teams that there would be no tolerance for fighting this weekend.

    If they did say that I don't think I'd have a problem with Mario getting suspended if Marvin got the same penalty.

    Marvin did the same thing as Mario and doesn't get the suspension. It's been a tenet of NCAA hockey that a person that joins a fight has the same punishment as the guy that instigated it.

    So even if you assume that Mario somehow started it there's no excuse for Marvin not to get the same penalty.

    Of course Mario didn't instigate the fight by anything physical so that makes it all the more stupid.

    The WCHA administration is a joke, where have I heard that before?

  9. This decision reminds me of Ron Gardenhire's biggest peeve in baseball, which is when an opposing pitcher throws a beaner and then the umps warn the benches that the next incident means instant ejection. That can only be one team's punishment...and thus unfair. Gardy insists that it should be settled on the field. Same here! I trust Dave Hakstol had his say the same as Gardy would. But the best punishment to Marvin was the 8-1 kickin'! Now I hope WI bites them really hard too!

  10. I'm going to start my response with admitting I'm not an expert, nor do I pretend to be, and I am not able to quote the rule book like Goon and Sioux7.

    That being said, here's my take.

    I do not think that either Mario or Marvin should be suspended at all for the "fight" incident. college hockey does have a "no fighting rule" however they DID NOT fight so i think the suspension is a bit much. I think the refs and the WCHA powers that be are a buch of power tripping idiots that act like junior high girls and Cartman when he's playing a cop on South Park "Respect my AUTHORITAY!!" You EARN respect, you can't force it.

    Given that they didn't actually fight I think any sort of suspension is bull shit. I think this is a clear message to UND players to stop running their mouths to the media (since they've imposed this to the coaches, which I think is BS...can't stand a little critisism?). I had a feeling that Mario would get suspended for running his mouth. Just call it what it is then...don't say it's cuz of the fight. Passive aggressive much, WCHA?

    I also think that the antics of UND was pathetic on Saturday night and I would be ashamed of the things they did and that Hak shouldn't have allowed it. However, with that being said why wouldn't they do it when they were being allowed to? Again, I think this was the WCHA being passive aggressive to Motzko and punishing him for storming the ice the other week and complaining. To me it was a "see, we have the upper hand and now we'll screw your team and let them get beat on and cheap shotted and you can't do crap...TAKE THAT!"

    As always, I say this comes down to the reffing and reffing management. It's pathetic. I don't expect it to be perfect but I really am annoyed that it's getting worse and worse.

    As for Hepp, I hadn't realized he came off the bench to fight...I just saw people holding him back and was too busy cracking up about him doing the "running man" in pace while being held. If he indeed came off the bench, then he deserves the suspension.

    As for Marvin, he has conducted himself with ethics, has taken responsibility, and did go by code to drop the gloves and helmet. He is not a dirty player (keep in mind I'm not even a SCSU fan!)but someone that made a horrible split second choice. I would bet that he feels HORRIBLE on a regular basis that Chay is out and that he's struggling so much. In the end, most of these guys are friends and do respect each other and don't want anyone hurt. They're all playing with the passion of making the NHL and having that common goal. He's just a normal kid people...lighten up on him!

  11. The Huskies are going to have a hard time with the Wisconsin Badgers, they are a psychical team and play hard. If they want to know how to beat UW look at the film from Saturday night.

  12. WHAT?!?! I write all of that stuff in my comment and all you come back with is that Goon?!?

    This is the point where you say "Yes Amy, you are totally right...the refs suck and act like junior high girls"

  13. Amy I was responding to another post, You already know how I feel about the buffoonery that is the WCHA officials and league office.

  14. Marvin's the dirtiest player in the league. He's leading his team forwards in penalties. More of them are of the high sticking penalties than the hooking ones.

    Of course that doesn't make a person the dirtiest by itself. But if you combine that with delivering the dirtiest hit of the year, he wins hands down.

  15. I guess I disagree with Whistler to a point.

    Just because you're leading the team's forwards (or even team in general) in PIMs makes you the dirtiest player on the team or the league.

    Marvin has made, to my knowledge, only one cheap hit this season. It might've been his first of his collegiate career.

    Once is enough, for sure, but if that's his first and he doesn't repeat it again, is he still a dirty player?

    Secondly, he stood up like a man and admitted what he did was wrong! He expected retribution and accepted it when it was attempted to be handed out. He did not throw stones at UND or Lamoreaux.

    And once again, the only thing Marvin hasn't done right in all of this was the hit itself. It wasn't his fault that Adam called Hepp (which now knowing Hepp's PIM count, was more based upon Adam's perception of his rep than the truth... and UND has seen a lot of that kind of penalty calling over time) and Marvin played the rest of that period. It wasn't his fault that he wasn't suspended longer. It wasn't his fault that this paticular weekend's activities occurred.

    The blame belongs to the league offices not to Marvin.

    Let Marvin go.
