Goon's World Extras

Thursday, December 17, 2009


This question was posted over at INCH. I am not a UMD fan by any means but it is a good question. Let's break this down further. The UMD Bulldogs go 2-2 against two pretty good hockey teams, albeit the refs helped them in one game and you drop them in the Power Rankings in favor of FSU. Wisconsin I don’t have a problem with but FSU? Right!

Let’s take a look at FSU and their schedule; their SOS (Strength of Schedule) of 30 while Duluth has SOS of 7. I would say that the win goes to Duluth. So lets review who FSU has played to date: Canisius twice which includes a loss to them, (not impressive), two wins against Connecticut (not impressive), two wins against RMU (not impressive), then the FSU Bulldogs went to Alaska and where they beat twice (where is UA ranked?) and they return home won two games from lowly BGSU. The FSU Bulldogs then traveled to Miami where they tied twice (semi impressive) and then the Bulldogs beat OSU (not impressive). So if I was a UMD fan I might be a little puzzled.
This time around, we’re the subject of outrage.

Can you explain to the logic of how a team that splits with the No. 2 team in the country, and then splits with the No. 1 team in the country can fall three spots in your rankings?—Glen, St. Paul, Minn.

Glen refers to Minnesota Duluth dropping a few notches despite respectable splits against North Dakota and Denver. Our first impulse was to thank him for insinuating that logic plays a role in anything we do. He should listen to a podcast.

As we’ve often said regarding our Power Rankings, hockey is not played in a vacuum. And UMD’s slide isn’t really a result of anything they’ve done. As a staff, we felt the need to reward Ferris State (owners of a 10-game unbeaten streak) and Wisconsin (10-3-1 after a 1-2-1 start), so both crept ahead of UMD in recent weeks. Simple as that.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Hm.

    Ferris State sounds an awful lot like another team. A team you defend all the time.

  2. I thought it was hmmmm? I am just illustrating the lack of logic by INCH writers. BSU beat Miami FSU didn't. That makes them more legit. Donna what are you going to do when the Beavers whoop that Bulldog ass up and down the ice on the 22nd? I am going to be sitting there in the stand enjoying the game.

  3. Hahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaahahaha

    You illustrate a lack of logic as well.

  4. Pot kettle black Donna. Want to bet a beer on it?

  5. I don't really drink anymore. Esp. not beer.
