Goon's World Extras

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bleacher report on checking from behind plays.

It would appear that this is a hockey wide problem and not just indicative to the NCAA. It almost seems like someone is going to have to get killed before something is ever done about the checks from behind. I do not want to see that happen.
The NHL has been handing out suspensions like candy lately, but none seem to be from behind the back.

Joe Thornton got sent out for 10 games for the same hit Minnesota's Voros put on Eric Staal.

Watch the hit here.

So my question is: What is with the NHL's check from behind rule?

It seems like the player has to get hurt for it to be called, which is totally ridiculous. In every game players are getting cross-checked or checked from behind. It seems like the NHL wants people getting hurt.

The NHL needs to open it's eyes and fix the rule. If the rule states that a hit from behind—hitting somebody when their number is facing you—it's a penalty. Then the penalty should be called for a check from behind.

Every other rule is called but this one, and it is going to leave somebody seriously hurt or even worse paralyzed, as Erik Cole almost was.

So NHL, unless you want a player getting paralyzed and their life put into ruins, fix your rule and call the penalty as it is!
[Bleacher Report]
BallHype: hype it up!

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