Goon's World Extras

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sioux 5 - Seawolves 0

In the offseason we heard about how UAA was the biggest team in college hockey, we were also told by the self appointed experts and the college hockey media pundits that UAA was going to be bigger, stronger and better skaters. We also heard how UAA was going to use that size and new found skill to wear down their opposition and take a game over in the third period. Hum...

After watching the game last night and seeing UAA play against Michigan a few weeks ago, I would say that this season’s version of the UAA Seawolves resembled last season’s UAA team. It's no mystery that the Seawolves work hard and try to play an up tempo game but frankly the Seawolves have had a hard time keeping up with the skilled teams like UND and Michigan. In boths instances they were out classed and they got smoked. Last night the Seawolves were beat to the puck up and down the ice by a speedier Fighting Sioux hockey team. Frustration set in and the Seawolves started taking ill advised penatlies. UND was 3-7 on the PP while UAA went 0-7. UND has yet to give up a power play goal on the season so far.

We got a Dell

I not a fan of that stupid commercial but the Fighting Sioux started freshman goaltender Aaron Dell and the rookie responded with a shutout win in his first start for the Fighting Sioux. Dell’s start breaks a streak by Fighting Sioux goalie Brad Eidsness who had started 37 games in a row was relegated to back up last night. I would like to see both goalies split time untill one of them establishes himself as being the "starter". While Eidsness was the top freshman goalie in the WCHA last season he tenders to wander and fails to cover the short side post in key situations. This was replayed last weekend against the Gophers, where he over played the puck and cost the Sioux a goal. All I can remember the first goal he gave up to UMD during the Final Five game last season. It's like on replay loop in my brain and it plays over and over again.

I believe that Dell will and should get more starts this season based on his "solid" performance in last night’s game. Although Dell wasn’t tested a whole lot he did make some impressive saves and stopped UAA freshman forward Mitch Bruijsten’s cold on a breakaway in the second period. From watching Dell in the UAA game and during the Manitoba exhibition, I like Dell's positioning and he does stay more square to the puck than Brad Eidsness, Dell also didn't get caught out of position by over playing the puck in key situations. Hakstol and company now have options and don't have to have one goaltender shoulder the whole load himself. Having two goaltenders should make both of them better.

Insignificant players get points and score goals for UND

This was a pontification of a unnamed bombastic blogger from UAA. I am sure that he will delete the post. Lets break down how insignificant these guys are.
A UND fan would naturally think nearly all of their upperclassmen are significant. Big surprise.

But yes ...

Darcy Zajac is insignificant.
Brent Davidson is insignificant.
Jake Marto and Evan Trupp are .5 insignificant each.
Derek Lapoint is insignificant.

That equals 4 significant upperclassmen. And I actually undercounted UAA's significant upperclassmen. I probably should have said 11. But I left off the goaltenders and underrated a couple of other guys. I was sandbagging.
Further investigation revealed that of the fore mention players only one of them (Davidson) didn’t register a point during the game. If my math is correct that is five points for the insignificant upperclassmen of the Fighting Sioux. I am pretty sure that if Alaska native Evan Trupp played for the Seawolves he would be one fo their top players. PWND!
Evan Trupp (1g-1a-2pts)
Darcy Zajac (0g-1a-1pts)
Jake Marto (0g-1a-1pts)
Derrick LaPoint (0g-1a-1pts)

[Box Score]
1st Period (20:00)

NDK 1 - 0 6x6 GW LL Mario Lamoureux (2) (Darcy Zajac, Carter Rowney) 5:47
NDK (+): 9,11,27,2,20,G32 AKA (-): 21,17,20,4,11,G30
NDK-1 Brad Malone (2-Hooking) AKA 0x1 8:15
AKA-1 Jade Portwood (2-High-Sticking) NDK 0x1 10:58
AKA-2 Jared Tuton (2-Holding) NDK 0x2 11:15
AKA-3 Jade Portwood (2-Charging) NDK 1x3 16:30
NDK 2 - 0 6x5 PP Jake Marto (3) (Evan Trupp, Joe Gleason) 17:24
NDK: 25,19,20,22,26,G32 AKA: 16,27,11,4,G30
NDK 3 - 0 6x6 Jason Gregoire (3) (Derrick LaPoint, Danny Kristo) 18:40
NDK (+): 17,3,5,7,29,G32 AKA (-): 22,7,16,18,9,G30

2nd Period (20:00)

NDK-2 Carter Rowney (2-Tripping) AKA 0x2 2:02
NDK-3 Jake Marto (2-Cross-Checking) AKA 0x3 3:57
AKA-4 Josh Lunden (2-Tripping) NDK 1x4 5:41
AKA-5 Kevin Clark (2-Hooking) NDK 1x5 5:41
NDK-4 Chay Genoway (2-Tripping) AKA 0x4 6:01
AKA-6 Mitch Bruijsten (2-Hooking) NDK 2x6 11:11
NDK 4 - 0 6x5 PP Evan Trupp (1) (Brad Malone) 12:39
NDK: 19,22,20,25,26,G32 AKA: 7,14,22,21,G30
NDK-5 Jake Marto (2-Holding) AKA 0x5 14:11
NDK-6 Darcy Zajac (2-High-Sticking) AKA 0x6 15:37
AKA-7 Kane Lafranchise (5-Checking from Behind) (Served by Craig Parkinson) NDK 3x8 16:27
AKA-8 Craig Parkinson (10-Game Misconduct) 16:27

3rd Period (20:00)

NDK 5 - 0 6x5 PP Chay Genoway (4) (Chris VandeVelde, Aaron Dell) 0:34
AKA: 36,21,4,11,G30
NDK-7 Derrick LaPoint (2-Tripping) AKA 0x7 8:48
NDK-8 Andrew MacWilliam (2-Cross-Checking) 10:11
AKA-9 Tommy Grant (2-GRASPING THE FACEMASK) 10:11
NDK-9 Corban Knight (5-Checking from Behind) AKA 0x8 15:50
NDK-10 Corban Knight (10-Game Misconduct) 15:50

End of Game

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Goonster! Don't you DARE say that UAA is not a top 3 team in the WCHA. Don't you know what you're talking about?!!? They're easily the best team around, is big, and will be in the top 5 for sure..probably top 3...or so I've heard. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    I'm sure you're getting lots of love from Alaska this week:)

  2. UAA is a decent bottom feeding team, they are big and they work hard, I will give them that and last night they were getting frustrating and the Refs let them get away with a few hooks, holds and slashes as well. They were trying to take the Sioux players out of their skates at every turn and a lot of time it would lead to a odd man rush the other way. All they have to do is remove the puck from the puck carrier not try to put each player in the hospital.

    At the end of the game their coach basically dissed his team in the post game interview and said that his upper classmen played like crap. Tommy Grant is one of the Seawolves that stuck out as being pretty good, the kid has some good wheels. I thought that it was over the top and I actually felt bad for the Seawolves players. I think they played good all things considering. They had no answer for UND's speed. While I am guardedly optimistic I think this year’s team is going to be decent.

  3. Hak needs to find some more "insignificant" players, then mayber we'll score ten next time. Anybody see how Clark earned his coaches scorn? Rarely see a coach send a top player to serve another players major.

  4. Scott, I don't understand that move as well either. The Seawolve faithfull all three of them are already getting discoraged with their coach after 5 games.
