Goon's World Extras

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Oshie emergency apendectomy

Former Fighting Sioux forward T.J. Oshie has had an emergency apendectomy, Goon's World would like to wish Osh a speedy recovery. Let's hope he is not out of the line up too long.
Blues forward T.J. Oshie had an emergency apendectomy this morning and will be out of the lineup indefinitely, a source has told the Post-Dispatch.

Oshie went to the hospital Friday night, following the Blues’ 3-1 victory over Minnesota at Scottrade Center. He played 17 minutes, 33 seconds in the game.

The recovery time for the surgery varies from person to person. Blues goaltender Chris Mason had a similar surgery last season and missed approximately two weeks. []

BallHype: hype it up!

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