Goon's World Extras

Friday, August 14, 2009

Save UAH Hockey.

As well all know earlier this week the CCHA has denied UAH's application for membership in the CCHA. In response to that awful misguided decision here is a new college hockey blog that might be worth your time to check out [Save UAH Hockey] The new college hockey blog it is maintained by Geof F. Morris and there will probably be a few posts from the guy that wrote the great retort to UAF AD Forrest Carr. There is also a twitter page for this blog. [Twitter.comsaveuahhockey] There is also a new face book page [Save-UAH-Hockey] there are currently 1,033 members already when I signed up there were like 750.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Actually, Goon, I'm doing the bulk of the blogging so far, which isn't to say that Will won't be writing some of his own material later.

  2. Don't mind Geof, he spelled his own name wrong yesterday.
