Goon's World Extras

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dany Heatley to the Wild?

I saw this rumor over the Hockey Wilderness. I have to wonder about this rumor. First last night there was a rumor floating around the Internet that had the Wild trading their star defenseman Bret Burns to Senators in a package deal for Heatley. However, there was nothing about this rumor over on Russo Rant's. Michael Russo is ussually dialed in on what is going on with the Minnesota Wild. One rumor that was floating around last night had Burns going to the Senators but now the rumor has been squashed. Now the rumor is Koivu being traded in a package deal to the Senators for Heatley. I don't know if I can see Koivu being traded. The fact that it's on Hockey Buzz makes it less credible than if it had come from TSN, or Russo.
Here we sit, the night before the deadline in the Dany Heatley sweepstakes and it sounds like the Minnesota Wild have tabled an offer that will be tough for Murray to turn down. While the proposed deal does not include stud defenceman Brent Bruns, it does apparently include Mikko Koivu, Nick Schultz and Tyler Cuma. Rumours are there would be other pieces involved both on Ottawa's end as well as Minnesota's. Sounds like the swap could include a salary dump on Ottawa's end and potentially Colton Gillies coming back from Minnesota. By all indications there is a very solid offer coming from Minnesota although Ottawa is trying to see if they can include Martin Havlat in the package. Even if the Wild decide not to include Havlat, they will still have a very legitimate offer on the table for Heatley. [SensChirp]

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. The Wild are giving up to much for Heatly! Mistake.


    Seriously, if they deal Mikko for Drunky McDriverson, I won't go to a Wild game.

  3. I don't see the Wild trading Mikko I would think he is untouchable. While I think Heatley is a good hockey player I don't think the Wild need the distraction.
