Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Toews two times.

Former Fighting Sioux hockey player Jonathan Toews score two really nice goals in last night's game for the Chicago Blackhawks, unforunately it wasn't enough as the boring Detroit Redwings won the game. the first goal was a thing of beauty. The second Toews goal was a perfect example of a player getting in the blue paint and scoring a dirty goal.

Here are a few words that I would use to explain Detroit Redwings: tedious, dull, monotonous, repetitive, unrelieved, unvaried, unimaginative, uneventful; characterless, featureless, colorless, lifeless, insipid, uninteresting, unexciting, uninspiring, unstimulating; unreadable, unwatchable; jejune, flat, bland, dry, stale, tired, banal, lackluster, stodgy, vapid, monochrome, dreary, humdrum, mundane; mind-numbing, wearisome, tiring, tiresome, irksome, trying, frustrating; informal deadly, ho-hum, dullsville, dull as dishwater, plain-vanilla.

BallHype: hype it up!



  2. As a Bruins fan unceremoniously left at the alter, I'm rooting for the Hawks as well. I hate myself for calling the Wings in this series out of pure "pick the favorite"ism, but I'm pulling for them.

  3. That first goal he got was a garbage goal. He threw it in front and it carromed off a defender's skate into the net. You may want to re-think your description of "Toews scoring two nice goals" because that was one was slop.

  4. My bad on the previous post, it was the second goal that was slop, the first was pretty good.

  5. The First goal was a thing of beauty in my opinion.
