Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This sums it up.

Dave from the illegal curve had this posted up. I must say that I am bored with watching the Redwings play hockey. It's like I am watching a team from the Finnish or Swedish elite league play. I am holding out hope that the Chicago Blackhawks will rebound and win two games in Chicago and turn this series around.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Agreed.

    News on a different note: Ryan Duncan apparently signed for one year with the Red Bulls of Salzburg, Austria. You can read about it on

  2. Not agreed at all. Detroit is the one team that consistently plays offense first and defense second, as opposed to most other teams in the NHL. They're blend of skill, speed, and overall style of hockey is something that every team in the NHL should try and duplicate. They are alse the model franchise in the NHL and I think 4 Stanley Cups in the past 11 seasons (with another shot at 5) speaks for itself. They also have 9 strait seasons with 100 points or more. What impresses me about them is their ability to retain puck possession. They don't play that dump and chase crap unless they're going off for a change - they skate the puck in and then go on the offensive attack.
