Goon's World Extras

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Star Tribune misses major point.

Seems that the Star and Tribune missed the part where Gophers player Brian Schack attacked a player and punched him as he lay on the ice without his helmet on. Now, I am not saying the checking from behind penalty wasn't blatant because it was, however, Boe's actions don't warrant being attacked much like Steve Kampfer was. If Brian Schack wanted to fight Boe, Schack should have challenged him to a fight like the code dictates. I believe that would have been a more appropriate response.
The final period also had a melee in the eighth minute. Six players received penalties and one of them, sophomore defenseman Channing Boe of the Mavericks, was taken off on a stretcher. After the game he was on crutches.

Looking for a positive, Anderson said: "The good thing about getting your butt kicked on Friday is you can come back and try to salvage something [tonight]."

Check out the comments for this article as well. Holy cow! It would appear that not all is well in Minneapolis. Here is a really beauty of a comment, blame the Canadian kids eh? What the hell is that? That we can violence in the WCHA can be blamed on Canadians? Schack is a Minnesotan and just committed one of the most heinous acts I have ever seen in a college hockey game. Schack's act is right up there with Todd Bertuzzi's attack on Steve Moore.
Must have a lot of basketball players that comment about Gopher hockey on here...if you can't handle the physical aspect of ice hockey go watch the elementary girls basketball game at your local school! I say it's about time the Gophers start standing up for themselves with the physical play...many times over the years they have been the team that gets pushed around. As far as Schack goes, if you check a kid in the back you better expect you're gonna get yours...and Boe did!! I don't want anyone getting hurt, but its a part of the game. With influx of Canadian kids in college hockey(not the Gophers mind you) you better be ready for more of that type of play! Fire Lucia...if you are one of the people saying that this is to be blamed on the really don't know much about sports, especially hockey!

Lastly as Siouxweet said not a word on USCHO.COM or College Hockey New about this ugly incident from last night. Why not? If the Fighting Sioux had been involved in this ugly incident it would have been front page news on all of the College Hockey web pages.


  1. Unbelievable. The Minnesota kid attacks a defenseless guy and they blame in on Canada.

    By the way, it also proves their clueslessness because there's more Americans than ever playing college hockey.

  2. HOly Crap! Nate Miller from Beyond the Pond praised Shack the hack's brutal actions in that scrum. Also, we are really seeing the complete arrogance and delusional thinking on behalf of MN fans this year. Canadians? I've heard 25 comments like this from goofer fans the last couple of weeks regarding Canadians. Obviously, these "fans" haven't been paying attention to the sport for as many years as i have. Canadians have always been a part of college hockey rosters. Just because most of the time UM has just Minnesota players doesn't make them elitists does it? Does the MN football team,basketball,swimming,track,etc..all have Minnesota kids on the team? NO,NO,NO. I'm so sick of Gopher fans and the b.s. crap they spew.

    Goon and others are totally correct. If that was Hextall or Malone doing the same exact action as Shack the hack, it would be front and center on every Minnesota website and radio show.


  3. For the record, most of the gopher fans are embarrassed by Shack the hacks actions last night. interestingly enough, there are still jabs at ND thru the conversation. Bottom line is UND players do it face to face all the time. yes, they will fight but i'd ask anyone to point out a UND incident where they jumped someone from behind, punched a guy from behind and on top of them, or skated away from dropping the gloves after the opposing player wanted to fight because of a cheap shot. give me one example, please.

  4. Archie really good point. UND might play a tough game but they do it straight up and with in the code.

  5. Actually some of the Gophers fan's are condoning what Hack did.
