Goon's World Extras

Friday, January 30, 2009

Slug feast in Mankato (Schack goes Bertuzzi)

This incident is warrants a 5 game suspension; minimum! It is time for the WCHA to man up and punish Brian Schack as he went Todd Bertuzzi on MSU-M Maverick Player Channing Boe. We get it Brian the CFB was a bad play but it didn't warrant your actions. You're now on par with Tropp and Conboy of MSU.

Wouldn't you know it Todd Anderson is the ref in this game as well. Maybe that is the common denominator? This incident tonight is equal to this incident in my opinion. The league needs to relieve Todd Anderson of his reffing duties before someone gets killed out there on the ice.


  1. OMG Goon....this YouTube video makes me blind with anger. I linked it to my post.

    Schack is a dirty piece of crap. You're right...he deserves to be sitting out for many games. This is totally uncalled for!!

  2. How can i get access to view this video. Schack has been a disgrace for a few weeks now., starting in Grand Forks 2 weeks ago and now this horrible incident. Please let me know how to see this.

  3. I'll have a new link to the video on my blog soon!!

  4. Fighting Sioux hockey you can access the video by clicking on the arrow on the bottom right it will then give you the embedded info.

  5. Goon- that video was set to "private". I now have a link up for another video of it on my blog. You may want to change your link too!

  6. Yeah I noticed that. I changed it already thanks.

  7. Thanks for changing that. Pretty brutal play on a defenseless player. Definately should be suspensions and maybe for Lucia too if he promotes that kind of tactics. Boy I wish Lucia Jr wouldn't have backed down from Z. Jones.
