Goon's World Extras

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Linkorama: check out this link

60 minutes has a great article on Bruce McLeod, Greg Shepherd
: Portraits in Buffoonery
. So if you're good at photo shop send 60 minutes your contribution to his contest. I know some of you guys are going say, "but Goon you guys are unfairly hacking on the officials in the WCHA." Hey it is what it is and I can take the heat, however, I don't think so. I am also tired of the status quo.

Seriously folks the incompetence in the WCHA is well documented. We have heard numerous statments from McCleod and Shepherd on the state of the officials in the WCHA and how the league officals are doing a great job. Almost as as bad as Bush saying, "your doing a hell of a job Brownie" after the Katrina disaster. All you have to do is do a search on YouTube for the WCHA greatest hits. Most of us in fact know that it is not the case WCHA coaches were making statments off the record about how bad the officating is.

Check out this post below by Gandalf I really think it sums up the refs in this league really well. Very accurate picture of the state of officiatiing in our league.
Gandalf has said the following:

Officiating, what can I say about the Sheppard family. Not much in the way of positive things really, which is kinda sad. That is not just for people named Sheppard though, Adams, Schmidt. I can't think of one on ice official who I really like in the WCHA, and by like I mean that I wouldn't want to see fired immediately.

On top of that, the WCHA is lucky enough to have Bruce McLeod, our fearless leader who guides the WCHA from his chair at Denver University. Bruce really doesn't do much, he created a standardized apology letter a long time ago to send out to schools like Wisconsin and St. Cloud when his officials make mistakes that could cost a team an NCAA berth or home ice in the WCHA 1st round.

Why does Bruce continue to allow the WCHA to be officiated by the biggest bunch of clowns this side of Circus World Museum?

Worried about losing control, Bruce McLeod didn't want a WCHA game transferred to the Herb Brooks Foundation who was looking to put the game together. Apparently Bruce missed the 2007/2008 season where he already lost control of several WCHA games including several involving Wisconsin, St. Cloud and Denver.


  1. Thanks for the link here, goon. I like the labels for your post. Morons. HA!

  2. No problem, I can't wait to see the pictures.
