Goon's World Extras

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Embittered hack Jon Hoff is at it again.

Former village idiot and disgraced former Grand Forks city council man "little Johnny Hoff" is back to spewing his disgusting hate rhetoric again. From time to time former Grand Forks Resident John Hoff will surface to take another shot at North Dakota, Grand Forks, UND or Ralph Englestad. This time the unamusing John Hoff is attacking the statue in front of the Ralph Englestad Arena. Oh course Hoff has nothing to back up his claims, nothing. I there was evidence of this being true I am sure the Grand Forks Herald would have covered the story already, it it was true but I digress...

Now our favorite neighborhood moron has come to the conclusion that that “Sitting Bull” statue in front of Ralph Engelstad Arena is from Nazi Germany. Oh really? Please little Johnny what leads you to believe this? I suggest you put down the bong and go to work.

Please John tell us what evidence you have discovered that led you to believe that the 3rd Reich is responsible for the Sitting Bull Statue. Please tell us where you got your evidence? Please provide us with the facts, not innuendo. Also, just because the REA management doesn't have the time of day to answer your silly questions and accusations that doesn't mean you're right.

IN THE MAIL: Engelstad Arena should come clean on statue
By John Hoff, Grand Forks Herald
Published Sunday, August 03, 2008
MINNEAPOLIS — Where did the “Sitting Bull” statue in front of Ralph Engelstad Arena come from? Who is the artist who created it? What specific Native American, if any, was it intended by the artist to depict?

After so many years, and with the UND “swastika scandal” fouling the very air of Grand Forks like the stench of Simplot, isn’t it about time to get the truth and to find answers, no matter where that might lead us?

FACT: No artist or country of origin ever has been revealed in regard to the statue in question.

FACT: Ralph Engelstad liked to collect antique Nazi bric-a-brac.

FACT: It is highly unusual, almost unheard of, for a statue to be installed and for nobody to know the name of the artist or the origin of the statue. Statues might sit around and their origins be forgotten, but newly installed statues are never anonymous. Why has everybody in Grand Forks looked the other way for so long? What shame is lurking in the shadows?

I strongly suspect the statue has origins in Nazi Germany. I am still waiting for management at Engelstad Arena to provide specifics — the name of the artist, the date and place of creation — to prove me wrong.

Check out Rob Port's Embittered Hack article on John Hoff...


  1. This Nazi/Engelstad rhetoric is very wierd to me???
    Thinking about it makes me ponder the following;

    Is the whole reason why the NCAA embarked on their anti-native American name campaign simply a reaction to the theoretical associations with the Nazis charged against Engelstad?
    ie Did perhaps Jewish influence in collegate America stimulate these actions after discovering what Engelstad did for the University of North Dakota and hearing that he may have been anti-semitic??
    Just an idea in my head.

  2. Hoff is a known leftwing propagandist that lack credibility and is grand standing again.

    Hoff has basically said that the statue is from Nazi Germany but no one is picking up this except him.
    Hoff has said some vile things about Ralph Englestad as well...

  3. Good morning,

    For those of you who would like to read pieces that go after John Hoff, you may do so by clicking this link:

    John is on a roll in Minneapolis these days but, I need help from the good people of North Dakota.
    If you have anything to comment or maybe a story that needs to be told... Please visit the Anti-Johnny blog.

    And... I might add, this was a great read about him here.

  4. I'd urge the good people of North Dakota to be careful in dealing with Jim Watkins, the so-called "DFW Mentor," a fast-talking, self-proclaimed real "mentor" currently from Texas.

    Jim is an associate and longtime friend of Thomas Balko, who recently pleaded guilty to mail fraud after being charged with many more serious things associated with mortgage fraud.

    It's all part of the "T.J. Waconia" scandal which rocked the Twin Cities housing market. T.J. Waconia was recently declared "No. 1 Civic Villain" of the Twin Cities. And, no, not by me. By Twin Cities media. That's who Jim's friends are.

    But, to be fair, I wouldn't call Jim a foe, exactly.

    For a long time Jim Watkins desperately wanted to be friends with me--he wanted me to help him with a book exposing the so-called "truth" about T.J. Waconia--and he still sends emails saying we might put our current quibbles aside and "do lunch."

    You will note he even uses my picture as his own likeness on his "anti-Johnny" blog. I have emails from Jim where he says he admires me, that I'm a guy who can get things done and bring attention to an issue in the media.

    Jim's not my foe, not really. He's a pissed off would-be friend looking for attention and angling for me to do things for him to help instead of criticize his jailbird buddies from T.J. Waconia.

    But the most I've been willing to do for Jim Watkins is say, on my blog, his buddies shouldn't go to jail. They should be forced to live in one of the properties they own in North Minneapolis, instead. Let the punishment fit the crime, I said.

    My on-again, off-again "friend" Jim Watkins didn't like that idea, at all. We had a falling out over some minor b.s.

    I feel bad about it because, well, I think Jim is an intense, interesting character and a lot of fun, though more of a bit player than anything, hardly the wheeler dealer he makes himself out to be.

    Ladies and gentlemen, good people of North Dakota: SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND.

  5. Well it is interesting to see the content of his response here.
    As anyone who has seen blog comment exchanges involving him would expect... He does have a knack for distorting the actual truth and it seems in this case, he has claimed things that are not as he says.
    In fact, it was John that said he admired ME, the so called "book" was not about TJ Waconia but about another topic and John is the one wanting to do lunch.
    The only lunch I could see having anything to do with John is losing my "lunch."

    Oh, and the part where he says, "T.J. Waconia was recently declared "No. 1 Civic Villain" of the Twin Cities. And, no, not by me. By Twin Cities media."

    Thats another John Hoff twist on truth. Here is what he is referring to:

    By Steve Perry , The Daily Mole
    December 26, 2007

    Universal Mortgage deserves "naming rights"
    Submitted by John Hoff on Fri, 12/28/2007 - 23:12.
    TJ Waconia is being investigated by the FBI, yes, and affidavits were filed alleging fraud. But there haven’t actually been any indictments of TJ Waconia employees,(Tom Balko, Jon Helgason) in stark contrast to Universal Mortgage, Inc.

    So even though TJ Waconia is big, Universal Mortgage should still get the honor of naming rights based on the mere technicality of “accused” versus “indicted.”

    Typical John Hoff or John Hoffman or Johnny Northside or which ever personality he's claiming now.

    The reason I posted here in the first place was to invite all of you to see the Anti-Johnny blog.


  6. Don't forget Johnny also goes by John Hoffman. Thank God he is not our problem anymore.
