Goon's World Extras

Friday, June 06, 2008

Tiger Wuss?

This is what Mike Milbury had to say about Tiger Wood's comment on hockey. I have always been a fan of Mike Milbury he tells it like he sees it, unvarnished and unfiltered.

You know what? I'm gonna change the name now. It's gonna be Tiger Wuss. Here's a guy that took about three months to get over a simple arthroscopic surgery. You look at [Pens forward] Ryan Malone. His face exploded with a slap shot last night - he's back out in 10 minutes!

"Keep your yap shut, Tiger, or I'll send a couple of wingers down there - [Pens forward] Gary Roberts - to tidy you up a little bit, meat head." No doubt Tiger has doubled his personal security.

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