Goon's World Extras

Friday, June 06, 2008

NCAA Rule Changes.

I have seen this article a few places and the rule changes don't surprise me. What does it mean for WCHA fans? In the WCHA the Rules will change on paper but the status quo is not going to change. You will see no changes except that fact that there are now two men in strips wearing the orange band.

In other words, the fans in the WCHA are going to see two officials calling the same horrible game the same way they did last season before the rules were changed. If you think I am wrong, fine! I am here to tell you that you have been for warned.
INDIANAPOLIS — The NCAA Ice Hockey Rules Committee mandated the use of the two-referee, two-linesman system for all levels of NCAA hockey this season.

The decision was part of an emphasis for the committee on allowing players to "use their speed and skill to create scoring opportunities."

All rules proposals must be approved by the Playing Rules Oversight Panel, which meets July 2 via conference call.

"The committee strongly believes that having one officiating system for all levels of college hockey is the right decision," said John Harrington, secretary-editor of the committee and outgoing head coach at St. John's. "In today's game, two referees and two linesmen are necessary to properly enforce our rules."

I personally think in the WCHA the extra officials could be a serious detriment to the game of college hockey, especially in the WCHA. Maybe the other leagues can do it but I don’t expect much from the WCHA. I am being serious folks. Present day the leadership in the WCHA can't seem to find enough competent officials for one official per game, how in the hell are they going to be able to find two competent and qualified to refs to have two per game? Not with current WCHA leaders Greg Shepherd and Bruce McCloud in charge of the league. The first thing they need to do is admit there is a problem and they see no problem from their perspective. The leagues can not double the work force in the WCHA without seriously damaging the integrity of the games in the WCHA. Maybe the CCHA will loan us a few of their league officials.
Protection of the puck carrier and faceoff protocols were identified as the committee's points of emphasis. The committee believes officials have properly handled obstruction away from the puck, but believes the puck carrier must be afforded more opportunities to make offensive plays.
In the area of faceoffs, the committee will continue to emphasize the administration of the line change procedure and increase the enforcement of interference and obstruction fouls immediately after a faceoff.

Yeah ok! The league officals are now going to enforce the obstruction because they got an memo from the NCAA rules committee. I don't believe it. I mean seriously, the WCHA didn't call the obstruction last year; what makes anyone think they will improve with two officials on the ice?

The committee forwarded several major proposals intended to enhance the game:

* Goals scored by kicking. In the aftermath of the controversy in last April's NCAA championship game, where a Notre Dame goal was disallowed, the committee spent a considerable amount of time discussing goals that are scored with the use of the skate. To make this rule as clear as possible, the group proposed adjustments to its rules that will allow all goals scored as a result of deflections. This will include deflections off an attacking player who is in the act of stopping, provided neither skate is used to direct the puck into the net. Pucks that are directed or kicked with the skate moving toward the goal will not be allowed.

* Shootout. Last year, the committee said it was moving towards eliminating ties from college hockey. But after considerable time for feedback from coaches, there was little consensus on what the change should be, or if there should be any. Thus, the committee voted to maintain the traditional game structure (60 minutes, followed by a five-minute overtime), but will allow interested conferences to use shootouts at their discretion. This will in no way alter national rankings or the NCAA championship selection process.

* Icing. The committee approved a proposal dealing with icing. The rule will not allow a team that ices the puck to change its on-ice personnel.

* Faceoff locations. Starting next season, all faceoffs will be conducted at one of the nine faceoff spots.

A full listing of the committee's proposals will be distributed to the NCAA membership for comment. The Playing Rules Oversight Panel will consider these changes and membership feedback before final implementation.

I like the icing rule that will make the NCAA more like the NHL. Also, expect push back from the WCHA league office, as the league commish and head of officials don't see any problem with the status quo and will not enforce the rules as they are written. Expect the status quo to remain the same.

Others take on the issue

Blog that Yost Built

Western College Hockey

1 comment:

  1. I thought that going to the 1 referee system was a mistake. Prior to that it seemed that when one official obviously screwed up the other guy would even it out with a makeup call.

    That's not an ideal world, but better than what we have going.

    The other thing it will certainly improve is that on a rush the referee won't be making a goal/no goal call from the center line.
