Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Wisconsin files an appeal with the WCHA.

Here is an article written by Andy Baggot: The University of Wisconsin has filed a formal appeal with the WCHA

We've not heard the last about that controversial loss the University of Wisconsin men's hockey team suffered over the weekend.

The school took the unusual step of filing an official appeal with the Western Collegiate Hockey Association late Monday afternoon, seeking, at minimum, a review of the procedures and circumstances surrounding a 3-2 loss Friday at Denver.

"I think we have to go through the due process," UW coach Mike Eaves said Monday afternoon during his weekly press conference. "We would not be diligent in not doing that."

UW senior associate athletic director Shawn Eichorst, who accompanied the Badgers on the trip to Denver; UW associate AD Sean Frazier, who oversees men's hockey; UW associate AD Steve Waterfield, who oversees rules compliance; and Linda Baumann, the UW Athletic Board representative to the WCHA, are involved in the process.

According to WCHA bylaws, the school had 48 hours from the end of the series to file an appeal. The league has 36 hours to respond to it.

Here is a response from the WCHA that I find troubling.

WCHA commissioner Bruce McLeod has not returned multiple phone calls since issuing a three-paragraph statement Saturday acknowledging that a mistake had been made.

Doug Spencer, the WCHA associate director for public relations, said Monday that McLeod was traveling between Nashville, Tenn. — where McLeod was attending the NCAA convention — and his home in Denver. Spencer has worked with the league for 22 years and couldn't recall a step like this being taken by a school.

"We acknowledged our error," he said. "Everybody regrets what happened, but we move forward."

I say we move forward with terminations and letters of reprimand. I think more schools should take this approach, it is the only way that the league will ever fix the problems it has. The WCHA is a first class league with second or third rate on ice officials. This is where I encourage fans to start sending letter to the WCHA League office. Am I the only one that finds this tone and attitude troubling, these problems need to be address then fixed. The league after recognizing that their official has made a mistake should suspended him indefinitely pending an investigation. After that investigation has been conducted, they should force Schmidt to write a formal letter of apology and tender his resignation. Lastly, I hope UND would have the same response if they had a colossal event like this happen to the Fighting Sioux.


  1. I bet nothing will happen and Schmidt will go on being a ref. Seems like that's how the WCHA does business.

    It would be interesting to know...has any ref or official in any NCAA sport been fired for something like this?

  2. Maybe Bucky Badger should be allowed to take a few hacks at Schmidt's legs :D

  3. I think Schmidt is a horrible ref.
    I don't think he will make it out alive this time. Randy Schmidt has lot all credibility when he only looked at the end of the tape of course the puck is out of the net.

    Randy should have went back and reviewed the tape from the drop of the puck.
