Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lets Go Mav's makes an appearance on Goon's world

This has become a yearly tradition; well ok, two years in a row. Here is what the Lets Go Mav's hockey blogger had to say.

Why do you hate the Fighting Sioux and Sioux fans so much?

Because I have never met one in person that is decent. They tend to come to our arena with a huge chip on our shoulder and smart off that the Mavs don't belong in the WCHA and that our arena sucks and so on. It's annoying and rude! Most opposing fans come to Mankato and think it's a good time because our fans are pretty friendly and they can enjoy adult beverages at the game. The other fans figure out we're fun but the Sioux fans are too stuck on themselves and are busy knocking us to have a good time. Also, their obsession with "everyone being jealous of us" gets old. As does the 7>5 thing and their overall arrogance.

Can’t we all just get along and be friends?

No, we can't!! :) Not until I see more respect. You know how most people like people until they do something to make them dislike them? Well, LGM is the opposite. I dislike people until they earn my liking. I'm just weird like don't go looking for free friendships out of this girl!!

Name your Favorite Mankato State hockey memory?
Back to back weekend sweeps of SCSU and Wisconsin a couple of years ago. No! Wait...I take it back. I say the game that the Mavs won for the 1st time at the NHC when Clarky was in goal. Best time EVER!! I was sick of going to that arena and watching SCSU pound us. That game was SWEET and for me, started the Clarky obsession:)

Who is your favorite current MSU-M player?

Well, I can't go with just one! My top two are my boys Berge and Kalinski. Love them both! Closely followed by Zacharias, Kilburg, and Hot RJ.

Who is your Favorite Former MSU-M player?

Again, I have to go with two of them. Overall favorite would be Chris Clark. Love that kid. He is one of the greatest guys you'll ever meet. So nice, friendly, and a good role model for the kids. Second would be David Backes. All American Golden Boy, smarty pants (held a 4.0 all through college), and overall good guy. He's also doing awesome in the NHL, so that's great too. Plus, I did sort of spill some beer on his mom way back in the day and promised to cheer for him "as long as he played hockey" so I'm upholding my end of the deal. Good thing he's a good guy or that would be a hard promise to keep!

Why do you think Jutting is such a bad coach?

Ugg. Loaded question. Do you really have that much time?!? I'll just state a few. First off, he treats everyone like dirt basically. Has no respect for players, parents, fans, other coaches, his peers....the list goes on and on. He's SO narcissistic it makes me want to puke. He's a total embarrassment to MSU.
Second, he runs crappy plays over and over (such as his stupid power play) and never realizes that maybe it's HIS way that sucks but instead blames the players year after year. Third, he always slams our players some way in the media. Even when he's trying to give a compliment, he ends up slamming someone. Drives me NUTS!!

Who is your Favorite NHL team(s)?

I'm not really into the NHL. I'll go with the Wild.

Who is your Favorite NHL player?

Steve Wagner. HA!!! Kidding. David Backes of course!!

What is your favorite NHL Jersey?

I like the Flyer's jerseys. I can't wait for Kalinski and Nodl to play for the Flyer's so Heather and I can get matching jerseys of our boys!! It'll be the first time ever for us to agree on hockey!

Who is a bigger hack Matt Demarci or Stu Bickel?

Stu Bickel. Wouldn't you be a hack too if you had all that pent up aggression from having that name?!?

Which Arena do you like the best MSU-M Midwest wireless center or REA?

I've never been to year!!! That's my plan at least. For the record it's the ALLTEL Center now!! The Alltel is ok but I really do wish we had a "real" hockey arena. Maybe some day!

What are your predictions for this weekend Series?

Well, my boys let me down a bit last weekend. No clue what was up with them but they were just off. I'm thinking positively this weekend and I say a split. Mavs win Friday, Sioux win Saturday.

Where do the Mav’s finish in this seasons standings?

7th. I wish higher, because home ice would be awesome but with our lack of points as of now and looking at what's ahead it could be tough. Who knows though...the WCHA is so screwy this year!

Why don’t you think Racing is a sport?

Because if you're sitting your ass in a car it's not physical enough to be a sport. I'm from small town MN where everyone goes to "the races" 2 nights of a weekend in the summer and live and die by NASCAR and I think they're all hicks. They're like "hockey? What's hockey? Bring on Jeff Gordon!" A friend of mine went to Bristol the other year and was excited about it. I ripped on her forever about it!! Racing is not a sport. Never was. Never will be.

Is hunting a sport?

I think hunting is a "different" sport. Since there's strategy and the person is out in the woods moving around and stuff to kill some animal, I can see how it's a form of a sport, but not something I would traditionally call a sport.

What is your favorite Breed of Dog?

Honestly, I'm not much of an dog gal. Cripes, I'm not much of an animal gal to be truthful. They're dirty, smell, and are just a pain. Plus, most animals are unpredictable. That would explain why I'm petrified of cows!!
If I had to choose a dog though, it would be a Shih tzu. They're so cute and cuddly! I like the little lap dogs that you can carry around in your purse:) Not that I would do that. Oh, well maybe to my brother's new dog though. They just got a Min-Pin and he would kick my ass for putting it in a girly that would be worth it! Ha ha! Maybe I'll put a little tu-tu on Stanley and carry him around in my purse just to annoy my brother.

Would you rather own a Lab or Bull Dog?

Oh my god! Are you psychic that these are the two breeds I hate the most?!? I have two college friends that have one of each. God...when I go to the one's house and see Gunner (stupid slobbering lab that eyes me up like I'm a pheasant or something) coming at me I freak. Then again, when I go to the others and fat, ugly, slobbery, annoying Romeo (the Bulldog) come at me I freak too. I'll go with hating the Bulldog more because the last time I saw that stupid dog he was drooling on my foot and sneezed on my leg. YUCK! So...I guess the lab wins...but barely.


  1. AMY! How can you hate labs?? I'm emailing you pics of our new puppies RIGHT NOW!!

  2. A few years ago MSU had a good team and made the Final Five. UND lost the Thursday play in game, but we go for the whole tournament. During the very next game, several very drunk MSU students verbally harrassed us all game long stating that we should get the hell out of town. This continued constantly although we never turned around and acknowledged them. At the period break one of them actually physically confronted me on the concourse, continuing a profanity laden verbal assault. I was about to call security when he finally left. I've been to games at MSU without incident, but the Final Five incident left me a memory that will never be erased.

  3. Siouxman- I'm not saying all MSU fans are perfect. I don't doubt that something of this nature went down with some drunk college kids. It's too bad and I don't think that kind of stuff is appropriate at all. I think some good natured teasing is ok but being rude or threatening is not.

    I guess my overall point comes from the fact that it's the Sioux fanbase that always acts the worse at our arena. Most people love to come to Kato because it's an ok arena, tickets are easy to get, we have adult beverages, it's not far for most people to travel, and it's cheap to stay and have fun in Mankato. Thus, overall making Mankato a fun place to visit as an opposing when we're met with the arrogance and rudeness of the Sioux fanbase it just rubs me the wrong way. I'm sure there are some good Sioux fans out there...I just haven't ran into any of them yet. Maybe this weekend will be different.

  4. Heh, I probably shouldn't bring it up again, but I've been verbally assaulted by the Sioux's assistant coach and two of their players, much less the fans :D
    I have to agree with LGM on the Sioux fan thing, though I've met quite a few Sioux fans who are acceptable. All too many of them seem to be way too sensitive to what other people say, sort of like a younger brother (like mine) that has a hissy fit whenever they don't get their way, and then goes and cries to mommy about it. I can't tell you how many anonymous posters have threatened me for making comments behing a computer too :D

    I'd much rather watch the Sioux than the Mavs, though ;)

  5. My worst experience was with Goofs fans at the Final Five. They are the worst especially when their sucks.

    I don't know if I have ever even seen a MSU-M fan at the Final Five in some time. Last time was when it was at the Target center.

  6. Gopher fans are pretty ridiculous. Except for Mel and her clan, of course :D
