Goon's World Extras

Friday, December 01, 2006

Check out This NHL Fight Tape.

The Best of Octobers NHL Fights

Some really good fights, check out Derrick "the Boggey Man" Boogaard's fight about 1:35 into the clip. See Phil Kessel get rocked by a check. The Boogard fight, now that is an awesome fight, you can see the players rapping their sticks on the ice in appreciation. Ah,who says fighting has no place in hockey, these people are dead wrong. The fans love to see a good scrap, last night during the Minnesota and Mankato games the two scrums/scraps brought the Marriuci fans to their feet. If anyone tells you other wise they are full of it.


  1. Tormey has a severed tendon. Not good. I'm sure he'll be out for the season:( He has to have surgery on it.

    Just wait for tomorrow night. I think I smell a win!

  2. Oh, and I could have leaped into my TV and smacked Woog when he blamed Tormey for the injury saying "well, I hate to say it but it's his fault for not having his stick in front of his how many goalies do you see putting the stick down when the puck is sliding on the ice right to their glove?!?! Woog is a jerk.

  3. I have the YouTube link of the crash and fight on my blog. Wheeler should have put on the breaks and didn't bother...he intended to take Tormey out, just not in the nature that he did...that happened due to the check he got. Either way, he would have gone crashing into Tormey and that's total BS. What's up with the WCHA letting the goalies get roughed up so much this year?!?
