Goon's World Extras

Thursday, November 30, 2006

North Dakota Department of Transportation to Put up New Signs.

ND Hockey Sign
The New Signs Are Up
Check out the new signs that are up in North Dakota, coming to a border town near you. Entering ND from Minnesota you will see the following signs. If you don't like the signs stay out. The gift that keeps giving and giving.

The Shot Heard Round the College Hockey World


  1. Reveling in another teams demise shows how much respect you have for the Gophers the "Greatest College Hockey Program of All Time"!

  2. I believe that 7 is great than 5. Nice try. The Gophers are ok, but the Sioux are better.

  3. Minnesota has played North Dakota 264 time(s) in their history and their overall record is 136-117-11.

  4. I am telling your the measuring stick is national titles, and I would have to say WCHA title which UND has more than Minnesota. Program worth is not measured in hobeys or the all time winning records your team has against the Sioux. Anyways you have only won 19 more games big whoopy.

  5. WCHA titles and National Titles.

    That doesn't mean that Sioux fans don't realize that the Goofers are a good program, they are good this year too. There is not doubt that they are good. Your teams just isn't as good as your fans lecture us on.

    I also love these people that try to tell us that the Goofers don't consider the Sioux as a rival> Thats not true at all, my Brother in law is a former golden rodent and he loved playing against the Sioux.

  6. Come on!! Everybody is a rival of the Gophers.

  7. I could watch that video everyday for the rest of my life and still not get tired of it!

  8. I agree with Csmith. I just doesn't get old.

  9. They played the audio clip of the Holy Cross winning goal at the game on Saturday night. The Gophers were NOT impressed. Then the student section started chanting "Holy Cross!" and they looked even more torked. It was rather funny!

  10. Yeah it seems to be a sore spot with Gopher fans.
