Showing posts with label epicfail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label epicfail. Show all posts

Saturday, April 09, 2011

It took 81 games to figure this out?

ESPN Photo
In the past, I have not been on the fire Todd Richards movement but after reading this, I have ask; why wasn't this line combination tried untill last night? Also, it appears that Todd Richards might be on the verg of coaching his last game this weekend. In my opinion, Wild Forward softie Antti Miettinen would be lucky to be a third line player on a lot of teams in the NHL and shouldn’t be a first line player on the Minnesota Wild.
Good chemistry The Wild might have unearthed a bona fide right winger to play with Mikko Koivu next season: Bouchard (Pierre-Marc Bouchard).

For the first time in a full 60 minutes this season, Richards tried to kickstart the offense by replacing Antti Miettinen with the playmaking Bouchard.

The result was instant chemistry, with Bouchard and Koivu each recording three assists.

Asked if Koivu and Bouchard could be a possible tandem next season, Richards said, "It could be. It's something to look at."