Showing posts with label elections.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label elections.... Show all posts

Friday, September 12, 2008

BSU fans time to vote Richard Lehmann, if you want keep division one hockey...

I urge Bemidji residents and Bemidji State University Hockey fans to vote for Mayor Richard Lehmann in November if you want to keep Division one hockey in Northern Minnesota. BSU needs the events center to stay competative and will not have a chance of getting in the WCHA without it.

Events center positions central in Bemidji mayoral showdown
Molly Miron, Bemidji Pioneer
Published Friday, September 12, 2008
BEMIDJI — For incumbent Mayor Richard Lehmann, Bemidji must build an events center to remain a progressive community and a “full-service regional center.”

For Ward V Councilor Nancy Erickson, Lehmann’s opponent for the Nov. 4 mayoral general election, halting the events center is top priority.

The two received the most votes in Tuesday’s primary election among six candidates. In the unofficial final tally, Lehmann garnered 616 votes (39.5 percent), and Erickson received 601 votes (38.5 percent). Nobody else received more than 13 percent.

“To grow, we need to have the events center as a positive addition to the community,” Lehmann said in a pre-forum interview last month. He said that when he travels, people ask him when the project will be ready for them to visit. The events center will attract businesses that will take advantage of the expanded opportunities the events center will bring, he said.

He said he also believes Bemidji State University needs the events center to maintain the hockey program, a major draw for people to the city. BSU, a frequent UND non-conference opponent, has made efforts to become a Division I hockey program like the Fighting Sioux, which plays in the WCHA.

This is why you don't want to vote for Nancy Erickson for mayor in the fall:
Erickson on the evennts center; "It's a hockey rink -- that's what it is, a hockey rink, and you're asking the taxpayer here to foot the bill.

"It exceeded my risk tolerance for the taxpayers.

"We're the smallest regional center in the state and one of the poorest being asked to carry the debt on one of the largest projects in the state.

"I'm looking for people to change this vote."

Erickson pointed out that the original concept for the 2006 half-cent sales tax extension was for a $35 million events center. When the reports came back that it couldn't be built for that amount, the City Council put a $50 million cap on the project. When the estimate overran, $50 million, Erickson said she withdrew her support. She also said the risk of annual maintenance and operation estimated at $436,000 is also too big an expense.

It is obvious this woman is not all that informed on this issue, but lets not let the facts get in the way. The proposed event center isn't just a hockey arena, it would be short sighted on the cities part if that was true. Like most cities that have event centers they serve many purposes for the good of the community. If your city has an event center you can have concerts, they are a great place to have a trade shows as well as conventions.

These events also bring needed tax dollars to the city and revenue to area business. What do you think a big series against UND or SCUS would do for the weekend business numbers? Seriously folks do not let this woman get the keys to Bemidji city hall, it is obvious she isn't the right for the job... Let me guess she is not a business or economics professor right?