Showing posts with label Morons.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morons.... Show all posts

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Myles Brand is at it again.

Here is the latest from Myles Brand. I mean seriously folks, we all know college athletes shouldn't be paid for their efforts on the field they are amateurs. I thought we debunked the arguments for paying college athelets a long time ago. I can't wait till this guy is done at the NCAA.

Pay for play is fine. But not in college sports - Aug 21, 2008
posted by: Myles Brand

Let's be clear.

There is nothing wrong with paying athletes to play sports. Professional sports is big business in America. The athletes, as a labor force, are rightly paid what the market will bear. That's the professional model.

But it isn't the right approach for the collegiate model of sports.
For the professional model, the bottom line is...well...the bottom line. For the collegiate model, the bottom line is education. In the professional model, the athletes are commodities who can be traded to meet market needs. In the collegiate model, the athletes are students.

For the last couple of weeks, I've written about the two reasons most people give for why student-athletes should be paid.

The first one is the capitalism argument. Big-time college sports, especially football and men's basketball, is big business. Student-athletes are a significant part of that capitalism machine and are generating the revenue. As labor, as with their professional counterpart, they have a right to share in the money they help bring in.

It's an appealing argument, but it doesn't hold up. Neither higher education, of which college sports is only a small part, nor intercollegiate athletics is truly capitalistic. They do not generate revenue to make a profit; they generate revenue to fulfill a purpose, to meet the mission of higher education. If they were models of capitalism, many academic programs and nearly all sports other than football and men's basketball would be dropped because they are too costly and do not generate enough revenue to pay their own way.

In fact, based on that model a large number - 30 to 40 percent in Division I - of the football and men's basketball programs would shut down because they fail even to cover their own costs.

The second argument is that it just isn't fair. Everyone else gets paid - some of the coaches get paid millions. Why shouldn't student-athletes?

Another appealing argument, but as flawed as the first. While it is true that student-athletes are the only amateurs in amateur college sports, the collegiate model has never been otherwise. Like every other human resource on campus, coaches, athletics directors, trainers, and all the other personnel in an athletics department are paid based on the demands of the market. We can argue, fairly in my opinion, that the market for coaches at the highest levels is artificially inflated by professional sports and may be damaging to the propriety of higher education as a whole.

The second argument is that it just isn't fair. Everyone else gets paid - some of the coaches get paid millions. Why shouldn't student-athletes?

Another appealing argument, but as flawed as the first. While it is true that student-athletes are the only amateurs in amateur college sports, the collegiate model has never been otherwise. Like every other human resource on campus, coaches, athletics directors, trainers, and all the other personnel in an athletics department are paid based on the demands of the market. We can argue, fairly in my opinion, that the market for coaches at the highest levels is artificially inflated by professional sports and may be damaging to the propriety of higher education as a whole.

But the idea that a market should be created for the employment of students to play sports because it is only fair would benefit only a few individuals in only a couple of sports on only a handful of campuses where revenues exceed expenses. Such a market would disadvantage all other student-athletes who would unquestionably be deprived of opportunities to participate so that revenues could be reallocated to compensate the lucky few.

Nothing fair about that.

These arguments, as appealing as they are around the water cooler or in the sports bar, miss the point. College sports has survived as a component of campus for a century and a half now for two reasons: 1) Those who play are students, and 2) Intercollegiate athletics shares in the driving purpose of higher education - to educate students.
I know. That collective groan I hear rising is the chorus of cynics singing in unison, "Come on, Brand, give us a break."

To be sure, there are athletes playing college sports who have little or no intention of being a student. After 40 years in the classroom, as a philosophy professor, I can tell you that lack of sincerity isn't confined to athletes. You will find it all over campus. And, clearly, there are coaches who care much more about X's and O's than about A's and B's.

There are abuses and abusers.

But the majority of student-athletes - including those in the sports of football and men's basketball - would be or would want to be in college whether they are athletes or not. Some have the opportunity to be students only because of athletics, including young men and women from low-income families. The driving purpose of higher education all over campus, including athletics, is to educate. And on average, more student-athletes earn their degree than all the other students. Ten years after enrollment, 88 percent of all student-athletes earn their degrees!

It requires professionals and lots of money to carry out the higher education mission. We understand that.

But somehow, the obvious and even noble acquiring of money to finance the mission of higher education is characterized as little more than a ravenous greed for filthy lucre when it comes to financing the mission of intercollegiate athletics.

Intercollegiate athletics is not the entertainment division of the higher education business; it enhances the educational experience of student-athletes. Student-athletes are not a human resource in the great business machine of intercollegiate athletics; they are the object of intercollegiate athletics.

Professional athletes are paid because playing sports is their job. Playing sports is not the job of student-athletes.

They are amateurs at it.

Gee Myles we know they are amateurs.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Air rage lands hockey player in jail.

Having worked in and around airports with the TSA for four years I personally could never understand why people get stupid and snap at the airport or on a flight. Let me just say that it is not a smart thing to do and I would recommend against acting up at an airport, especially at the airport security check point. The Federal Government does not have a sense of humor for people that get stupid at the airport. As you can see in this case the federal courts are not going to play around with you and this guy probably has landed himself on the airport watch list for a very long time, which will only make him ever madder; can you say the full grope is coming for him the next time he flies. What a moron, couldn't wait till he landed before he had another drink.

Also; after 9/11 if someone stands up and acts like an ass or makes a move towards the cockpit the passenger are not going to to sit idly by while some deranged moron goes off, he is going to be slammed, restrained and knocked upside the head.
Airline rampage nets Canadian hockey player a year in jail
Monday, July 28, 2008
A Toronto-born hockey player who slapped a flight attendant, head-butted a passenger and exposed himself on an American Airlines flight was sentenced Monday to one year and a day in prison.

David Cornacchia, 27, who plays for the Florida Everblades in Fort Myers, Fla., will also be under supervised release for three years, including substance abuse and anger management programs, and must pay a $4,000 US fine.

Before sentencing in the federal courthouse in Fort Myers, the prosecutor read out details of what the defenceman did on Dec. 27, 2007 while flying to Dallas from his home in Toronto to join his team for a game in Texas.

According to court documents, the player became angry with a flight attendant after he was refused a third alcoholic drink. Cornacchia slapped the male flight attendant with an open hand.

Cornacchia began cursing at other passengers and exposed himself to them, according to an affidavit. Flight attendants and an assisting passenger then secured Cornacchia's hands behind his back with plastic restraints and belted him into a seat. Cornacchia head-butted the passenger who was helping restrain him.

The pilot declared an on-board emergency and was granted a direct approach to Dallas-Fort Worth airport, where the player was arrested.

Cornacchia's lawyer, Michael Hornung, said he had been hoping for a sentence of probation without jail time.

According to a hockey website, Cornacchia has played minor professional hockey for the past seven years. Before that, he played in the Ontario Hockey League from 1997 to 2001, spending time with the Sudbury Wolves, the Sarnia Sting and the Belleville Bulls.