Showing posts with label Humor?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor?. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cool Hockey Picture(s)

I found this picture over on the
Win Twins blog I don't know if Heather took the picture herself or she found it on the Internet but it is a really cool picture, I mean I can appreciate it even if it is a picture of SCSU hockey players. The two players Nodal and Lasch are two of the more exciting players in the WCHA. Check out Win Twins blog she focuses on the now out of the playoffs and golfing Minnesota Twins, however, the blog isn't just about baseball it also a WCHA/SCSU hockey.

I have to say that this picture is really funny, its of the famous Michigan Tech Fan MeanGirl. This picture was part of a blog that I found this over on Amy's Lets Go Mav's, I have to say hey MeG nice shoes. While I am a big fan of Adidas, I wonder if she bought the last pair of gold and black Adidas. Should we say that they are not my color. This is the same Mean Girl that was given a rough time by a bunch of drunk rude Gopher Fans.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Found this on Sioux Sports

Check out this link Lammy Is a Sieve

Here is a link that some one posted There is the old statement about living in glass houses and not throwing stones. What can I say, you have to love the Gopher fans they are creative.

While we are on the subject of Sieves: Bina goes downtown

You also can't spell sieves without Briggs... reliving the gift...

Monday, June 25, 2007

A BU hockey fan's hockey picture.

I found this great picture over on USCHO. As a college hockey fan you got to love the BU and B.C. rivalry. Its pretty much a given that B.C. fans are almost just as hated as our rivals to the South in Minnesoda. The BU and BC rivalry seems like its more heated than the Fighting Sioux and Gophers, at least we can sit in the bar after the game and drink a beer without killing each other Fuck'em up, Fuck'em up, BC SUCKS . It's a picture that was posted from a Boston University fan. Ah yes; enjoying your rivals misfortune.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Crappy or Crappie

Sioux_7 sent me this picture. This Picture was taken by Sioux_7 during the during the first round of the WCHA playoffs between the MSU_M Mavericks and the Fighting Sioux.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

You can't get away from them even on the Golf Course.

This a picture of my buddies Wife's driver cover. You can't get away from them even on the golf course.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Don Cherry is Coming to NBC, to make Debut during Stanley Cup

For those of you that have never had the pleasure of watching CBC's hockey night in Canada won't have to buy a satellite dish to watch Don Cherry this season. Starting during the Stanley Cup finals on NBC you will be able to watch Canadian icon Don Cherry. Don Cherry has taken his fair share of hits for his candid opinion, straight talk and his disdain for the European hockey players.

In a way I am pretty excited about it. I can't wait for the stuffed shirted, pc lefties take on this guy, Don isn't going to sugar coat anything. Some have looked at it as NBC's attempt to get hockey's rating up in the states. In a way he is kind of Canada's version of Rush Limbaugh, maybe not as polished but just as conservative. However, instead of politics he talks about hockey, but he does do a good job attacking leftist Canadians and the P.C. Nazis.

Cherry to make U.S. debut on NBC
Posted: April 10, 2007
Associated Press

NEW YORK -- Don Cherry is bringing his loud mouth and louder outfits south of the border.

The outspoken former coach of the Boston Bruins, who has been a fixture on CBC's "Hockey Night In Canada' telecasts for more than 25 years, will make his U.S. broadcasting debut as part of NBC's Stanley Cup playoff telecasts, the network announced Tuesday.

"A lot of people have written that what I say up here I would never get away with it down in the States," said Cherry, the Bruins' coach from the 1974-75 season until the 1978-79 campaign. "I'll just go on and do what I have to do.

"In the States, they wanted me to go on one time in Pittsburgh. Jaromir Jagr, it was when he had long hair and he was with Mario Lemieux and I said, 'There's Mario and his daughter.' It didn't go over too good. That was my last time in the States."

Cherry will be teamed with Brett Hull, the never-shy former player who is in his first season with NBC.

"Better get some plaids," Cherry said.

Hull will also to contribute to CBC's coverage in Canada.

"He tells it like it is," Hull said of Cherry. "If they did it on a regular basis, he would be just as popular down here as he is up there. Part of the thing that's missing, not with just hockey, but in all coverage in the American sports world, is some personality. I think that's why you see a guy like Terry Bradshaw, as popular as he is.

"He's not just Mr. P.C., going, 'That was a nice catch and throw."'

Classic Don Cherry
Take a look at some of these clips. Some classic Don Cherry, enjoy.
Coach's Corner - 3/24/07
Don Cherry - on women at hockey games
Don Cherry On Uflie
Don Cherry on Hitting
Coach's Corner - Dion Phaneuf
playoffs coaches corner Apr 11
Coaches Corner and The Stanley Cup in Afghanistan

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Goon's Letter to the WCHA Head of Officials.

Here is a letter that I sent to the head of officials for the WCHA.

Dear Mr Sheppard,

I was woundering if the WCHA is going to install the new NHL rules. After watching hockey this past season I believe that the WCHA is falling behind the NHL and is in a way becoming hard to watch by there being too much obstruction, hooking and holding. Now would be a perfect time to install the new rules all the way and allow the high end talented teams to display their speed and offensive fire power.


The Goon

Here is the response that I got

It is not up to the WCHA about the rules Its up to all the coaches and the coaches are ok with the way the rules are written right now,will they change the who knows can we as officials do a better job maybe we will try. Thanks for your input. Greg Shepherd

Interesting response

Like the Whistler said, Greg must have been drunk when he wrote his reply to me. So are the coaches happy with the officating? So happy they are speaking off record about the calls and state of the reffing. Well it's the offseason so now is a good time to find something to talk about.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

This Brings new meaning to word Hockey Groupie

This is a really funny video from MAD TV that I found over on one of the On an NHL fan blog site Waiting for Stanley. There are two parts that are really funny that brings new meaning to the word hockey groupie. The first thing she does is she puts a dirty protective cup under chin. That was funny. It is even more funny when she stands in net as one of the players fires a slap shot through her wickets.