Showing posts with label College sports. Morons.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label College sports. Morons.. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

N.C.A.A. Penalizes Princeton for a Major Rule Violation

Here is my candidate for knucklehead(s) of the week. Think about this, Princeton University, an Ivy League school was caught cheating in men tennis. Wow!
New York Times --- Princeton University committed a major rule violation when a booster paid $33,000 toward the educational expenses of a tennis player, the N.C.A.A. announced Wednesday. It was the first time in 36 years that the N.C.A.A. found an Ivy League institution guilty of committing a major infraction.

The case involved a Princeton alumnus and former member of the men’s tennis team who helped pay a female tennis player’s tuition in the 2007-8 academic year and the fall of 2008. The alumnus and the student were not named. In addition to being publicly reprimanded, Princeton is required to vacate all tennis matches that the student won, in either singles or doubles, during the 2007-8 academic year and through part of the 2008 fall semester, when the violation was discovered.