Goon's World Extras

Sunday, October 29, 2023

UND head coach Brad Berry; 'Sweep or Workout'

The UND hockey team is a storied program, and a very high standard has been set. Fans expect conference and national championships. The UND coaching staff has set a very high standard for their players. Weekend home series are expected to end in sweeps, when they don’t sweep there’s a consequence.

“We have a thing here where we do post-game workouts, coach Berry said. “If we don’t sweep, you get swept, you only win one game – you have to do a workout. If you sweep you don’t have to do a workout. it. At the end of the day, I said to the guys, the standard is the standard, we’re going to get in the weight room, and we’re going to work out.”

While a win and a tie against a top opponent is a good weekend; however, it’s not the standard at UND. Following this weekend’s win and a tie, the Hawks were back in the weight room doing a workout.

“They’re in there right now,” Berry said. We didn’t lose this weekend. We won and we tied. We always talk about the standard is the standard and the standard is sweep. You don’t have to work out. I think there was disappointment. I asked the guys I opened it up to them. The guys said they’re teed off. They’re disappointed. That’s good. I think that’s great. It was a lost opportunity that we didn’t, didn’t get the closeout for a sweep this weekend. That tells you that the guys are thinking about the standard or want to get to that standard. I think that’s good to have that kind of teed-off mentality and know that we didn’t get two wins instead of a win and a tie.


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