Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

NDSU President Wants Fans to Discontinue 'Racist' Chant

I've never understood why NDSU fans still chant Sioux Suck? NDSU  fans chanted that after their favorite team won a NCAA FCS title in 2016.

Think about it, UND has played NDSU once in football since 2003. Apparently, the much maligned NDSU president Dean Bresciani is tired of the chant and wants NDSU fans to discontinue this practice. I imagine if UND ends up in the Summit League, Bresciani will hear that cheer a lot more.

Frankly, I think it's a dumb chant, too. I think that chant lacks originality. Same goes for the F#(K the Bison up the @$$, neither chant took a lot of thought. I guess no one told the fans that UND dropped the name Fighting Sioux back in 2012. Of course, Fighting Hawks suck probably doesn't have the same ring to it. Right?

Don't worry NDSU fans, there are many UND fans that think that name sucks, too. Now that being said, I realize this is a college sporting event. There’s going to be bad behavior and coarse language. That’s life.  I also love explaining to my nine-year-old what the fans are saying. Finally, UND fans are disrespecting the Fighting Sioux nickname like the NDSU fans are.
A letter to the editor in the campus newspaper, The Spectrum, calling for an end to the chant has prompted leaders at NDSU, including President Dean Bresciani, to urge students and others to end the tradition.

"We suspect people are continuing this chant out of a misplaced sense of tradition, and we are asking any who do so to re-evaluate their participation," an email sent Friday, Oct. 14 to the campus community said. The joint email was signed by Bresciani, the student body president, the presidents of the faculty and staff senates and several other top administrators.

"We challenge anyone using hateful, thoughtless language to reflect on that language," the email said. "We believe that people continuing to use these chants are not understanding that these chants are hurtful; they do not reflect the aspiration of NDSU to be a welcoming community." ( Patrick Springer, Grand Forks Herald)
Or buddies at the Spectrum are back and Erik Jonasson weighed in on the matter. Take a look at some of the comments at the bottom of the story. In all seriousness, that's the best cheer that you can come up with?
Erik Jonasson II of the NDSU Spectrum writes – Be it the band or football team, NDSU truly dominated the Fargodome this past Saturday.

In between the awful overpriced food, drunk children and chants of “F—k Iowa” it is hard to not hear the other chant:

“Sioux suck shit.”

Look I am not claiming to be a smart person. I am not a Midwesterner either. On a good hot-dish day I might be a Minnesotan.

Be that as it may, I don’t understand why you guys call it pop. I also don’t understand why you insist on reciting this terribly racist chant.

This chant is embedded in the fact that our only true competition for best university in the state comes from our neighbors to the north, the University of North Dakota.
Oh my. Look who chimed on this matter. I wonder if he knows the difference between NDSU and UND? He probably thinks this is UND's fault, but I digress.


  1. So could the same be said for UND fans that still chant F*ck the Gophers? Is that ok???? Just so you know I am a UND fan, and moving on with the name change.

    1. Saying someone "sucks" is weak sauce. Kinda rude but no biggie.

      It never bothered me until they added the last word in. That goes for the who's he, he sucks chant we used to have.

    2. Whistler, of all the problems we have in the world, it's really interesting what becomes a news story. I just find it funny that NDSU fans don't want the two teams to play in football, yet, they are chanting 'Sioux Sux Shit".

    3. To me that shows the Bison fans still want to see UND/Cow College games. The administrators haven't allowed it.

      To answer Andrew's question, I don't see any need for profanity. I told my kids they were saying Puck the Gophers.

  2. A guy I know asked a Bison female fan at a Sioux/Bison basketball in Fargo who this Sue was.
