Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

What's the Hurry?

Last week, some unknown writer for the Spectrum took to the blogosphere to chastise UND fans for chanting “Sioux Forever” and “Let’s Go Sioux.” In his defense, Vastlane (yeah, I never heard of it either) decided to enjoy Mr. Lipp’s 15 minutes of fame. Now as these two individuals take a victory lap  I thought I would chime in. Nice to see this person hit all of the talking points.
It is my opinion that the disjointed nickname and logo process is a huge culprit to blame for the continued rallying behind Fighting Sioux moniker. The public voting process disenfranchised huge sections of the populous participating because they felt like their views and wishes were ignored. The responses of the members of the public after the votes were held?

“I think the nickname they chose is stupid because it isn’t the one I chose; I’m still a Sioux.”

UND students, alumni, and supporters rallied behind the only thing they knew up until that point, the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo. If a new nickname and logo had been introduced within the first calendar year of the announced transition I doubt we would even be having this conversation today. The ironic part about all of this is the fact UND students, alumni, and supporters feel as if they have been stripped of their identities; when in reality they were hiding behind a banner of institutional racism that has taken the identities of centuries of First Nations people. (Life in the Vastlane)
No matter how you feel about the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo, this discussion would still be taking place today, even if the University of North Dakota had transitioned to a new nickname and logo in 2012. Next!

I have said this since day one. UND sports fans, especially hockey fans aren’t going to immediately transition to the new nickname Fighting Hawks. On the flip side of that. If NDSU’s moniker the Bison was found to be offensive, would hardcore Bison fans immediately accept a new nickname, no, they wouldn’t.

Here are some of the reasons for this. First, there’s isn’t an actual logo for anyone to get behind. Second, you don’t just change 80+ years of history overnight. Transitions like this could take a generation or two, maybe longer. Third, not everyone likes or embraces UND's new, official nickname the Fighting Hawks. In their minds, the Fighting Sioux won the 8th NCAA title. Not the Fighting Hawks. The UND administration doesn't want to alienate a powerful group of people. (If you're wondering, that's like 85 percent of the Ralph on game day.) Telling people to get over it, isn't going to work either.

My question is, what's the hurry? Like I mentioned above, there's no logo associated with the new nickname. If the administration blows the design of the new logo, this could fester for a long time.

Some of UND's programs have embraced the new Fighting Hawks nickname. While other's haven't. I think that was expected as well. Recently, I was scanning some of the tweets from incoming football players. Some of the tweets have said, glad to announce my commitment to the Fighting Hawks. The UND hockey team, not so much..

When Gage Ausmus announce that he was coming back, he said this, "Already looking forward to my senior season @UNDmhockey #Hang9 #RollTribe,"

UND recruit Tyson Jost recently said this in an interview this past week, “I think in the back of my mind I always wanted to be a Fighting Sioux one day. I am here now, so, I am part of the group, can’t wait to get started. I am humbled and proud to be a part of it.”

UND's most noticeable programs still embraces the Fighting Sioux nickname. The national media, including ESPN, still refers to them as the Fighting Sioux. What can you do?

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