Goon's World Extras

Sunday, March 06, 2016

New York Times: The Sioux Nickname Is Gone, but North Dakota Hockey Fans Haven’t Moved On

I was reading my facebook stream today when I came across this article from the New York Times. No matter where you stand on the nickname, this is a good read.

I predict, the Sioux jersey's and chants aren't going away anytime soon.

I am not sure if anyone should be shocked. You don't change 80 years of tradition and history overnight.

It's going to take a while to move on from the Fighting Sioux Nickname. I just ordered a new Fighting Sioux jersey. (Click to read the article)
When Sandelin opened his remarks with, “Always nice to be back among the Fighting Sioux fans,” he received immediate and prolonged applause.

“I knew that would get a rise,” he said, smiling.

Several minutes later, Sandelin concluded this way: “Once a Sioux, always a Sioux. I can still say that.”
Let's just say... there are more than 4,000 Sioux jersey's. That's not going to change anytime soon. I had a few of my fellow fans tell me that they're set for life. The Dacotah Legacy Collection is one way to keep those Fighting Sioux jersey's stocked up.
“When I go to that hockey game and I see 4,000 Fighting Sioux jerseys in a 12,000-seat arena, hear the chants and see the rituals and hear the booing and cheering and all that stuff, that bothers a lot of people at the university,” said the interim university president Ed Schafer, a former two-term governor and briefly the agriculture secretary under President George W. Bush.

He added: “I look at it and say, What’s the alternative? What do the students have to turn to instead of that? We don’t have that right now.”
I had a conversation with someone this past weekend about the University getting the new logo right. They're convinced that the UND administration understands what is at stake. I am very skeptical.

Fighting Hawks

I want to clear a few things up. First, the official nickname of UND's sports team is Fighting Hawks. The writers that I know and have contact with use the nickname in their articles in one form or another. The TV channels that broadcast UND hockey use Fighting Hawks in their broadcast and in their graphics.

Back in 2012, UND asked the various media entities that cover UND sports to no longer use the Fighting Sioux nickname. I've complied with their request and Fighting Sioux is no longer used in writing about UND sports. UNLESS, I am writing about a player that wore the Fighting Sioux logo.

I have been told by a few readers that I shouldn't use the Fighting Hawks nickname. I disagree. I write for two syndicated blogs with thousands of readers. My managing editors would expect me to honor UND's request as well.

So, I have to comply with UND's wishes. I think it's a fair request on their part. I am not trying to shove the new nickname down anyone's throat. However, it's easier to write when the team you cover has a nickname. I never, ever stopped admiring the Fighting Sioux nickname, but I have to move on. That being said, Sioux forever.

Finally, I took my daughter to a game and sat in the stands, I was yelling Sioux just like everyone else.

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