Goon's World Extras

Monday, February 08, 2016

(Video) Carolina Panthers QB Cam Newton Walks Out Of Post Game Interview

This is what I don't understand. You're paid millions of dollars to play a sport. Football is a team game, the Panthers played poorly as a team.

More specifically, Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton played horribly. On many occasions, Newton overthrew his receivers. The Panthers line did a poor job of protecting their quarterback.

He tried to force the ball into double and triple coverage. You can't do that. I think the Denver Broncos did a good job of throwing Newton off his game. On a few occasions, I thought that the Broncos did a good job of disguising their coverage.

Your team got their ass kicked and lost. I think as a player, you should sit and answer questions from the media/writers. They want to hear what you have to say. Be a man, step up and face the music. Don't act like a spoiled brat.

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