Goon's World Extras

Friday, February 26, 2016

Some (unofficial) Concept Art Regarding the Fighting Hawks Logo

by Redwing77

I was just surfing around waiting for the start of the game and found this article on my Facebook feed.

It provides some concept art for the new "Fighting Hawks" logo done by a Dane Storrusten.  Sadly, I've been so busy with real world things that I have not kept up with whatever is going on with the logos so I'm not certain as to whether this is just "fan art" or art published by the actual company for public perusal.  However, I think both logos are interesting and both aren't doable.

The first logo:
Option 1:  The Screamin' Hawk

This has been dubbed the "Screamin' Hawk" by Mr. Storrusten.  I think it is a really neat logo... and completely and totally unadoptable.  Why?  Because interpretation outweighs intention.  There are feathers in the logo.  Feathers, ANY feathers, can be interpreted to having Native American meanings... so adopting this logo is straight up OUT.

The second logo, "The Thunderbird:"

Option 2:  The Thunderbird

This logo has strong similarities (though not the same, as commenters in the article suggest) to the Seattle Thunderbirds logo.  It's geometric and kindof clunky, in my opinion.  This option is, well, OUT for two reasons (there's a third but the third isn't PC so I'm omitting it):  First, it's, again, an allusion to Native Americans... this time Native American totem pole artwork native to the Pacific Northwest.

This brings us to the second reason:  the way to get out of the PC idiocy ISN'T to simply relocate our Native American symbolism.  Last time I checked, Montana and Idaho separated North Dakota from the Pacific Northwest.


Options 1 and 2 on Goalie masks

These two logos are, by no means, the ONLY logos out there.  I'm not even convinced that these logos are even under consideration to begin with.  That being said, if it DID come down to Option 1 or Option 2, Option 1 is by far the better option.  And it isn't even close.

1 comment:

  1. Gonna be hard to find a 'Hawk' logo that doesn't have feathers ... I'm just sayin!!
