Goon's World Extras

Friday, February 19, 2016

Hmm, He Said What?

Leading up to this weekend's matchup between UND and UMD, Coach Sandelin said this.
“Their top line is back together and you saw what they can do when they played here. Their goaltending was great here, so we have got to find a way to solve Johnson. Denver did last weekend. We saw a few weaknesses in his game, so hopefully we can exploit some of those.” — Sandelin on North Dakota
So, did coach Sandelin offer up some bulletin board material? I imagine that Johnson was made aware of those comments. Does he have a point?

I am not so sure that Sandelin is that far off of the mark. While Johnson does have some impressive numbers, he also has a great d-corp in front of him. And after watching Cam play last weekend, I noticed that his positioning was a little off. Last weekend, I thought he was too far back in the crease. I think UMD will do some side to side passes, like the Huskies did to get his feet moving. Stay tuned.

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