Goon's World Extras

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Haakenson: Put logo design on UND’s back burner

From the Letters to the Editor in today's paper. I have come to the conclusion that this guy is delusional.

The fact that UND has moved on with the Fighting Hawks nickname and the University hasn't paid any attention to him, should clue him in that UND doesn't care if he makes a claim to the Fighting Hawks tradename.
Also, the requirement in state law that UND must register the “Fighting Hawks" trade name with the secretary of state’s office has not been fulfilled. Stopping the logo process would give Interim President Ed Schafer and his staff time to address that requirement.

Schafer also could be the person to cure the dissension, unrest and division on the campus and at sporting events, simply be stopping the process and take the steps to find out if I am correct or they are.

If UND cannot register the trade name, "The Fighting Hawks” -- which already is owned by me -- then the university’s only choice will be to leave "ND" for North Dakota on uniforms and everything else, as it has been for three years.

Not only would that save money, but also it would please an overwhelming majority of students, alumni and residents.

Marlan “Hawk” Haakenson

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