Goon's World Extras

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Dennis Wideman Suspended for Cross-Checking Linesman

I don't know if I have ever seen anything like this before. After being check hard by Predators forward Miikka Salomaki, Calgary Flames defenseman Dennis Wideman cross-checked linesman Don Henderson on the way to the Flames bench.

For his puzzling efforts, Wideman has been suspended indefinitely pending a hearing. Your guess is as good as mine how long of a suspension he will get.

According to NHL rule 40:

40.1 Game Misconduct – Any player who deliberately applies physical force in any manner against an official, in any manner attempts to injure an official, physically demeans, or deliberately applies physical force to an official solely for the purpose of getting free of such an official during or immediately following an altercation shall receive a game misconduct penalty. In addition, the following (40.2, 40.3, 40.4) disciplinary penalties shall apply.

40.2 Automatic Suspension – Category I – Any player who deliberately strikes an official and causes injury or who deliberately applies physical force in any manner against an official with intent to injure, or who in any manner attempts to injure an official shall be automatically suspended for not less than twenty (20) games. (For the purpose of the rule, “intent to injure” shall mean any physical force which a player knew or should have known could reasonably be expected to cause injury.)

40.3 Automatic Suspension – Category II – Any player who deliberately applies physical force to an official in any manner (excluding actions as set out in Category I), which physical force is applied without intent to injure, or who spits on an official, shall be automatically suspended for not less than ten (10) games.

It's hard to tell what Wideman's intent was. Was he feeling the woozy from the hit, which is very possible. Wideman was pounded by Salomaki.

Finally, Wideman isn't a former UND hockey player like some have suggested. :-)

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