Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Derek Dorsett boards Nate Prosser; then Fights Him

There are some fans that don't like fighting in any level of hockey, I am more fussed about dirty, dangerous, unnecessary boarding and checks from behind. I am more concerned about hits like the one Dorsett put on Nate Prosser.

First Derek Dorsett was in the game to cause havoc at the end of a lopsided game, no one is going to confuse him with Sidney Crosby or even Brad Marchand. Second, the boarding penalty was a dangerous hit and should have been a major penalty, in my humble opinion.

Props to Prosser challenging Dorsett. The one-dimensional Dorsett has played in 32 games scoring (2g-4a—6pts) he’s a minus 5 and has logged 100 penalty minutes. Dorsett alone has been in as many fights as the entire Minnesota Wild hockey team.

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