Goon's World Extras

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Yet ANOTHER Nickname Post (RW77)

by Redwing77

Ok, here's another Nickname post, but I must chime in.  As Goon already stated, we're down to two nicknames:  Roughriders and Fighting Hawks.  NoDaks are now out of the equation so...

Eulogy for the NoDak nickname:

It surprises me how NoDak got as far as it did in this process seeing how little support it got in the voting process.  However, I don't think many of the detractors realize what NoDak would have gotten UND.

First, it would have been a unique nickname.  In fact, it was the only unique nickname in the final three and the only acceptable unique nickname in the final five.

Second, it would have given the no nickname crowd something to sink their teeth into.  No, the "Let's just be UND or North Dakota" crowd will forever be on the losing end, but this is the best nickname to keep that attitude alive.  So, the detractors for the UND crowd will inevitable justify its loss by saying "it's just childish and petty."  However, it gives everyone what they want.  The North Dakota no nickname faithful have a nickname they can forget about, hence giving them the ability to just say "North Dakota," and still give the institution a marketable nickname (as hypocritical as that seems) and give the "we want a new nickname" crowd what they want.

Third, it's PC neutral.  I know, we shouldn't pander to the PC crowd, but that's how society is these days.

What's Left:

Roughriders - Ok, not a bad nickname.  In fact, it's not bad at all.  There are, among the ranks of amateur and professional sports...from high school to pros 11 teams known as the Rough riders.  Including three high schools (Grand Forks Red River, Cedar Rapids High School in Cedar Rapids, IA and Roosevelt High School in Seattle, WA) found in a simple Google search (meaning, it would not surprise me at all if there were many more).

But this is the BEST option for those activists who are dying for a cause now that the Fighting Sioux nickname is dead.  Activists need something to complain about and having a benign nickname would simply not do.  Of the three options, NoDaks is the only one that is truly PC friendly.  Roughriders, though a good nickname and worthy, is an allusion to Teddy Roosevelt.  I could get on my soap box and wax cynical about this whole thing, but let's just stay on topic.  The activists want this nickname so they can raise a stink and cause more controversy.  Don't feed the trolls.

Fighting Hawks --

Nevermind the Redhawks or anything.  The Fighting Hawks gives many of the people desperate for a return to the Fighting Sioux at least half of what they want... They get the "Fighting" part of the name back.  It also is a cheap and easy way to keep the current colors... though you could just as easily do it with NoDaks as well.

What is a "Fighting Hawk?"  I thought hawks were birds of prey who feasted on opportunistic prey..such as fish that swim too close to the surface or an unlucky field mouse.

If we wanted to be a "Fighting" Hawk why not have us be the "Warhawks?" instead?

In the end...

Oh well.  In the end, we'll probably be the Fighting Hawks, yet another bird mascot fluttering around the arena.  But then again... it could be worse.  We could be the Sundogs.

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