Goon's World Extras

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Inforum Weighs in on Fighting Hawks

Check it out. -- It’s all over but the squawking, which will go on for years among mulish fans of the retired University of North Dakota nickname. “Squawking” is somehow appropriate because the new nickname, as selected last week by 57 percent of 27,378 votes cast out of a potential voting pool of more than 82,000 alums and others, is “Fighting Hawks,” and one of the noises a hawk makes is a kind of squawk!

So, Fighting Hawks it will be. It’s a peculiar choice in some ways, not the least of which is that hawks, as fierce as they look, don’t fight much in the wild. They might scrap among themselves over territory, ornithologists say, but they don’t go about “fighting” other creatures. Their most noteworthy aggression is to kill small animals for food.

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