Goon's World Extras

Monday, October 12, 2015

William Brotherton's Go Fund Me Page

I don't know, I just don't think that Willam Brotherton will be able to stop the vote, that begins next Monday. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I predict it will fail. 

Thank you to everyone who has helped donate for the legal fees so far. If those who see this post would consider making even a small donation of $5, we could raise the rest very quickly. There are strength in numbers and we know there are large ones when it comes to UND Supporters. 
Also, if you are not comfortable in donating through the gofundme page please consider sending donations directly to our lawyer William J. Brotherton : 
William Brotherton Law Firm
Main Office
2340 FM 407, Suite 200
Highland Village, TX 75077
or the Concerned UND Supporters at:
Concerned UND Supporters 
PO Box 1041
Fargo ND 58107Thank You again for your support!
concerned UND Supporters:

Upset with the efforts of the University of North Dakota administration to force an unwanted politically correct nickname onto the proud alumni, students and supporters of the University of North Dakota?

Are you also angry that the administration arbitrarily removed the NO NAME option from the upcoming vote for UND "stakeholders", despite the fact that the vast majority of alumni,students and supporters wanted that option on the ballot?  And how about the fact that there is no provision to write in what name you would like to have considered as the nickname for UND?  

Do we still live in America?

It's time to do something and it must be done before the October 19th vote.  Join Concerned UND Supporters as we actively pursue all available avenues,including legal, to stop the vote and force the UND administration to listen to all of us, not just a select few.

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