Goon's World Extras

Monday, October 05, 2015

More on the Oshie and McQuaid Fight

The regular season should be a dandy in the Eastern Conference. It's not very often that you see T.J. Oshie fighting. Sounds like we missed one heck of a preseason game between the Boston Bruins and the Washington Captials.

Per Chuck Gormley, CSN Mid Atlantic:
“Any time you get into a fight your hands take a beating,” said Wilson, who knocked Miller’s helmet off with a hard right uppercut in their first bout. “He was going after Ovi a little bit. He’s the best player in the league and our captain. That’s one reason.

“(Bruins defenseman Adam) McQuaid kind of goes after (T.J.) Oshie and (my) second fight followed that. ... He's a pretty tough kid and he's been pretty mouthy in the past. My hand’s pretty sore, so that’s kind of one of the reasons you want to be careful in the preseason. But at the end of the day it’s all good. ... It didn’t really feel like a preseason game. It felt almost like a playoff game last night. It was pretty intense.”
Depending on which team you lean towards,  you're going to see this a little differently. First,  I think Oshie laid a legit, legal body check on Adam McQuaid. The Bruins defenseman took exception with the hit and challenged Oshie to a fight.

Personally, I think players should learn to take a hit. If Oshie had laid a cheap hit on McQuaid, that would be a different story. But that's the culture of the NHL, hit someone with a legal check and still have to fight. Just for the record, Oshie has been in three NHL fights. So, he's not afraid to drop the gloves.

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