Goon's World Extras

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Milan Lucic given Match Penalty

Former Bruins tough guy Milan Lucic is now a member of the L.A. Kings. Last night, in his debut with the Kings, he was checked in the open ice by Logan Couture. The hit in question was hard, and legal. Instead of taking his medicine and playing on, he decided to go after Couture. Link to the video in question.

While I don't think Lucic should be given a match penalty for going after Couture. Lucic did come off as being a bit of a cry baby. Seriously, it wasn't a dirty check. I also predict that Lucic will not be given an additional discipline, nor does the hit warrant any. I have seen worse on-ice behavior go unpunished.

Lucic, doesn't think that he will be suspended.

I would be very surprised if I got anything extra. We’ll see what happens, I guess, tonight and tomorrow.


  1. Another knuckle dragging moment by the Neanderthal.

  2. He should get suspended for targeting the head. Torres is gone for half the season and that wasn't as blatant as this.

    Lucic is a thug. He used to have some talent but I'm thinking he's giving that up.

    1. Come on Whistler that hit isn't worthy of a suspension.

    2. It seems to me that if you target another players head with your elbows during a hockey play you get a suspension.

      Why would that be any different when a goon goes after a guy because he gave him an oopsa daisy check? The chance for concussion is there for both and you can't claim that it was an accident.

  3. This is typical Lucic behavior. He is far and away the dirtiest most bush league thug to disgrace the NHL since Tie Domi. Definitely a case of addition by subtraction for Boston in ridding themselves of this piece of garbage.
