Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

The Forum is at it Again

Today, the Fargo Forum is up to it's old tricks. Again, the Forum can't help itself, they have to write yet another OP, Ed, slamming UND fans. Ugh, we really don't need them inserting themselves in the nickname argument. Maybe they're trying to stoke the fires before the NDSU vs. UND football game. I think the Forum should spend more time talking about last Saturday's football game against the Griz.

First, we all know the University of North Dakota will never, ever be the Fighting Sioux again. There was a statewide vote and it failed.

This is a true statement.

Honestly, I don't know anyone that is actively advocating promoting that UND remain the Fighting Sioux. I do know there were a fair number of people that wanted UND to simply remain UND/North Dakota. With the Fighting Sioux nickname, UND would've never hosted the West Regional last March. Right?

Of course, I do know a lot of people that are upset with the NCAA and the way they handled the situation. That's why thousands of people liked the Facebook group the Sioux were Silenced.

Second, I understand why a lot of people are upset with President Dr. Robert O'Kelley taking the UND/North Dakota option out of the voting process. I can live with that, as long as the voting goes the way President Kelley says it will. Any usurping of the process from here will be unacceptable. As a measure of good faith, President Kelley should kill the Sundogs choice right now. This would help avoid a potentially very bad situation.

President Kelley made a decision and is sticking by it. I have to give him credit for having a backbone and a pair of stones. I am also not an advocate calling for his immediate resignation, he's gone in 2016, any way.

Per the Forum:
Those who cling desperately and foolishly to the University of North Dakota’s retired Fighting Sioux name and logo have taken to blaming the NCAA for bullying the university and the state of North Dakota into scrapping their precious moniker. It’s a strawman argument.

The NCAA is a membership organization. Moreover, its governance structure relies on college and university presidents, chancellors or their designees to make policy and otherwise oversee the organization.

Member schools agree to membership requirements, most of which are promulgated by representatives of the schools. Each of the several athletic divisions is represented on a separate board by member campus officials from appropriate divisions and conferences.

It’s a representative association, not an ivory tower dictatorship.

Here’s the kicker: Member schools agree to adhere to NCAA rules and regulations regarding standards for athletic teams. It is essentially a contract. If a school does not like what the NCAA requires, there is nothing forcing the school to remain a member. There are consequences, of course, because the NCAA’s influence over college sports is ubiquitous. That’s the way it is.
As I have said in the past, I believe that the replacement nickname selections aren't very good. There're a lot of problems with the five (5) remaining selections. North Stars is a bad choice and should be removed from consideration along with Sundogs.

Naming UND's sports teams, the Sundogs will not bring anyone together, or give us something to rally around. Sundogs will further divide the UND community. In the last decade, Sundogs was promoted by the anti-Fighting Sioux nickname crowd. If you don't believe me, look it up.

There are two replacement nicknames that are semi-decent and there are problems with one of them. The best choice is Rough Riders and in today's politically correct world, there's bound to be someone that will be offended with that nickname. So, if UND picks that nickname, UND might have to revisit the issue once again. Next to UND, I like that choice the best. Fighting Hawks is also acceptable. But again, you have to tread lightly selecting the logo. The handwringing do-gooders are going to be on guard.

Finally, while the nickname story has given me something to blog about; during what ended up being a very boring summer, news wise. Think about this, nothing happened this summer. However, I am growing tired of listening to people bicker with each other about the nickname. This has become a very toxic issue and I am ready to vote. Is the new nickname going to be as cool as Fighting Sioux? Not even close. I would compare this to going from staying in a five-star hotel to getting the last room in a Red Roof Inn. You can come up with your own analogies.

I know I am tired of hearing this and so are you.  It's time we move on together as a collective group, and heal together. Being at each others throats isn't healthy. Moreover, we need to do this together as a fan base and we don't need others from outside influencing our decision.

We will always be the University of North Dakota, personally, I have two degrees that say this much. I just hope when the voting is done and the dust has settled, UND isn't hamstrung with some stupid nickname that will continue to divide us long after my generation has left this earth. Go UND....

1 comment:

  1. Sour grapes from "bizon" land after "The Griz" (Montana speak) left their mark.
