Goon's World Extras

Friday, September 25, 2015

Sifting Through the Herald Letters to the Editor

Wow! Seriously. We're picking a nickname for a sports team. Sundogs screams weakness and isn't something we can all rally around. Based on the history of this nickname choice it would further divide the UND fan base. Thank God she only has one vote.
Per the Herald Editorial Page:
To UND promoters and fans: "Sundogs" is a nickname with enormous potential.

Forget the dorky image of a shaggy dog with green eyes that was printed in the Herald previously. Our "Sundog" is a mythic—or should I say "Legendary"—creature made of light and ice!

Whether a head-only image or full-figure pack running, the Sundogs should have clean lines, pointed ears and—most especially—penetrating and diamond-shaped eyes made only of brightness (no pupils).

Forget "rainbows." Instead, think of strobe-light eyes for arena fixtures whenever possible and a special iridescent fabric for them on uniforms of any color (e.g. Kelly green included).

Sportscasters could talk about the Sundogs 'blinding/hypnotizing" opponents with their exceptional play—or "fading away" if they lose.

Besides being unique to UND, "Sundogs" can be an extremely powerful brand if we use our imaginations.

Lynn Lindholm
Grand Forks
Lindholm is a retired UND faculty member.
Here's another fan that's not a fan of the nickname selection process.
Per the Grand Forks Herald:
Over time, this process has reminded me of medieval Europe, when the aristocracy of the feudal system ruled the countrysides.

All the peasants had to live outside of the castle walls, where they were subjected to whatever whims those inside the walls decided was best for all people of the kingdom.

As I have followed the stories on the nickname selection in the Herald, one thing was completely clear from all the polls conducted. Remaining "UND/North Dakota" was the overwhelmingly dominant choice in all of the polls.

Steve Molvig
Lovelock, Nev.
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