Goon's World Extras

Monday, September 28, 2015

Oh Boy!

Ruthmary Arnason Unruh of Grand Forks, ND wrote this doozy of a letter to the editor. In my opinion, she's living in a pure fantasy world. Sure Nodaks is unique, but Sundogs isn't. Thank God, every online poll that I have seen has Sundogs in fourth or fifth.

NODAKS—Imagine this:
•A bold outline of the state of North Dakota
•A background of green and white (stripes, checks, lightning bolts, etc.)
•The word "NODAKS" in big letters covering the state—in a bold, funky font
•The eternal flame aglow in the letter "D" like the existing UND symbol
•This is a personal favorite. We are truly Nodaks.

SUNDOGS—Picture this:
•The word SUNDOGS in a creative brilliant font
•A burst (like the sun) around the letters UND of SUNDOGS
•Color bursts (sundogs) on either side of the word SUNDOGS (probably green and white flashes with a sparkling, classy look)
•The eternal flame aglow in the letter "D" or "O."

Come on, UND fans: Look forward. Visualize. Imagine. Pledge your loyalty.

Stand up and Cheer for a great new UND look.

North Dakota—Here's to you!


  1. A quick google search puts the OP as a Central graduate in 1962, even with NDSU math he age is 71. Now some senior citizens are up with the times but some are just senile.
