Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Grand Forks Herald Letter: Still time to put UND/North Dakota option on ballot

Whether we want to admit it or not, President Robert O. Kelley isn't going to change his mind. His mind has been made up. While I am in favor of being simply being UND/North Dakota, but it's not going to happen. We will not get our way. If you like the UND/North Dakota option, consider voting for Nodaks.

Per the Grand Forks Herald:
Now, UND's president won't allow a vote on the UND/North Dakota option. Months ago, he said he would consider putting
that option back on the ballot, but few people believe he had any intention of doing so.

Meanwhile, nearly 70 percent of UND students voted for the "no nickname" option on the ballot. Public numbers are similar. Once again, our leadership betrays its people.

Additionally, UND has employed fear-mongering tactics such as suggesting that the NCAA could come back and punish UND for what fans say. Seriously? Whatever happened to free speech? And will the NCAA really come out and say "UND must have a nickname"? I don't read that condition in the NCAA-UND agreement or NCAA's bylaws. It's just not necessary.

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