Goon's World Extras

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Grand Forks Herald Letter: Character of players in nickname debate shows

This letter lacks a few facts, or just plain omits them. But hey, let's not let facts get in the way of a good argument.

Again, without going over the facts again. Not all of the Tribes were screaming against the Fighting Sioux nickname. The Spirit Lake Tribe approved of UND's use of the Fighting Sioux nickname

Per the Grand Forks Herald:
Character, Aristotle observed, is best revealed through the choices we make.

In a widely circulated letter titled “What if? That’s the question for UND fans,” Tom Anderson reasons that were NDSU, like UND, to have its logo declared offensive to Native Americans “without any input from the North Dakota Sioux Tribes…


Except for Spirit Lake, all North Dakota tribes were screaming against UND’s use of the Fighting Sioux logo.

The NCAA stepped in, a court suit followed and a settlement agreement granted North Dakota three years to secure approval from the state’s two major Sioux Tribes to continue using the logo.

The Standing Rock Tribal Council disapproved. End of story?

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