Goon's World Extras

Friday, August 21, 2015

A Guess About Ticket Policies and a Suggested Response

SCSU is just the latest school to impose ridiculous sanctions on, what is basically, a targetted visiting audience (DU and UNO were the others... with DU coming in previous years).  It got me thinking as to why:

The answer is rather obvious, objectively speaking.  Home arenas should be for the home team and the home team's fans should have first crack at all the best seats.  No argument there for me.  Visiting fans shouldn't get "obstructed view only" seating, but they shouldn't get the best seats either.  But the idea that schools should target UND or any other well traveled franchise is ridiculous.  It's not just the NCAA either. During the Stanley Cup playoffs, visiting fans to Tampa Bay's arena were restricted in both seats AND they were not allowed to show their logos as well.

I just don't understand the economics of the whole thing.  If I were the ticket manager of a major sporting venue, I'd want every seat filled with people with overflowing wallets that shoot out wads of cash at the first available (and every subsequent) offer that comes their way.  Heck, this may be a bit extreme but... if filling the REA to capacity every game meant having over half of the arena (or even MOST of it) filled with opposing fans, so be it.  UND still profits even with the vocal opposition to the home team's goals.

This is the first time since I moved to Omaha in 2008 where UND will be visiting Omaha and I will not be in attendance.  I even forked over an amazing amount of money to see what was a god awful publicity stunt ridden hockey contest (otherwise known as the outdoor game) to see my Alma Mater.  It is sold out.  I usually bring between 4 and 6 other people with me... all paying fans...some even UNO alumni (they couldn't even get tickets).  Sad.

Here's my suggested response by the REA and UND:

Impose the same or similar (not worse) restrictions on every teams' fans whose home arena imposes it on our fans... and DISCOUNT tickets to opposing fans in certain sections to schools who do not impose such restrictions.  In other words, say the typical single game ticket costs a person $36 a game to sit in the visitor section.  Colorado College does not impose ticket restrictions to UND fans.  Therefore, visiting fans from Colorado Springs are eligible for a 10% discount on tickets to those specified sections.  Sure, I get we're not in the business to encourage opposing fans from taking away seats from the home team, but I think it is just good business to reward those teams whose schools are open minded and open armed to all schools, not just the ones who won't fill up their arena when they face off.

Perhaps it is a ridiculous idea.  Perhaps UNO and SCSU will relent closer to the game like DU did.  Perhaps UNO's policy is strictly due to the fact that they're desperate to bring new business to a new arena.  I don't know.  The Mavs, here in Omaha, get a pathetic following even compared to the USHL Lancer team.

In the end, however, I can't change ticket policies.  And UNO will get away with it due to "new arena-itis."  But I hope SCSU comes to their senses.

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