Goon's World Extras

Thursday, August 13, 2015

A Couple of Housecleaning Items

Frist, as we get closer to the UND and NHL hockey season there will be more of a frequency of items being posted. Years past, I posted more during the summer, but I decided to take a different approach this season. There're roughly eight weeks till the college hockey season begins.

So, enjoy your summer and get ready.

As you have probably noticed, I've taken most of the summer off and just relaxed. Personally, I needed to take a break and step away for a few months.

My wife is happy that I took this approach. This summer, she's not threatening to throw my laptop into the street or drive over it with her car. Actually, she has threatened to do this in the past.

But I digress.

For the most part, there's nothing going on this summer. This has been, without a doubt, one hell of the boring summer.

Moreover, this summer, the Minnesota Wild didn't make any big moves. They have no actual cap space to sign any big name free agent players. Former UND hockey players Zach Parise says the Wild will be fine.

Outside of Dave Hakstol moving to the Flyers, and Brad Berry becoming UND's new head coach, the UND hockey team has been out of the news. That's probably a good thing. I am sure that things will pick up as schools starts in a couple of weeks. In fact, it was the worst summer ever for college hockey news.

One of the highlights of my summer: I did manage to take a trip to Detroit, Michigan for training. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. In my humble opinion, I think Detroit gets an unfair bad rap. If you get outside of the city and roam around the suburbs, you will find that there's a lot to do.

I recommend you take a trip there and see for yourself. I also found a pizza place that blows Deeks out of the water. Hello, Green Lantern Pizza. They make an amazing pizza. Sorry, Schloss.

Finally, I want to be clear, I stand by writers. All of them. Do I agree with everything that they write, nope? Not at all. We're human beings. From time-to-time, someone is going to post a blog post that rubs you the wrong way. That's life. That being said, I usually never delete posts for differing positions on various topics. There's no reason to.

I have very few rules for the boggers: Do not use profanity or personally attack anyone and try to be nice. You can, disagree with someone and be respectful. Of course, the Minnesota Gophers are fair game. :) Do I send them an editorial note, you betcha? They can say that the Montreal Canadiens are great if they want to.

Also, personal attacks against any of the Goon's World writers or the fellow commenters is not tolerated. Racist, sexist, homophobic, or vile filthy, profanity-laced comments will be deleted without hesitation and without apology.

One item of clarification, everytime a blog post from any writer goes live on Goon's World, that post is also tweeted out to two Twitter accounts (X2). At the same time, those posts also go live on my facebook accounts (X2). Last night, while I was eating at Buffalo Wild Wings, Zach put up a post that lit up Twitter.

Finally, thanks for reading and I am ready for the upcoming season.

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