Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Redwing77's Response to the Next Phase of Nickname Discussions

by Redwing77

First off, I really like the direction the committee has taken.  I also appreciate the fact that they did not bend to the buffoons from the south's asinine suggestion to bring in Native Americans.  No offense, but they do not have a role in selecting a NON Native American nickname.  They had their chance.  They made their choice.  Moving on.

A Note about Jim Bridewell

I took classes from Bridwell and I really liked the guy.  He made an excellent point insofar as to say that no Aerospace-related nicknames be considered because UND's other notable feature, it's Med School (well, there's also the Law School but who's counting?) has no means of representation.

I'd like to add onto Bridwell's assertion:

UND should have no nicknames that suggest multiple meanings.

Ergo:  Goodbye Blaze and Pride.

Blaze can be used to infer drug use.  No thank you.

Pride?  Well, whether you are for it or otherwise, this word has been more strongly associated with social justice movements.  Like I said, this shouldn't be a platform even in inference towards either side of that argument.  Sure, not everyone will jump to that conclusion (after all, not every fan of Purdue considers the fact that their nickname, Boilermaker, is another word for a kind of beer... or that a Tar Heel (UNC) is someone who fought against abolition after the civil war).

Let's stick to traditional descriptions of a nickname.

This leaves 12 other nicknames.

The most surprising one to make it, in my opinion, is NoDaks.  They got rid of so much redundancy, why didn't they nix this one?

A nickname should inspire pride, represent bravery, fierceness, and strength.

Explorers, Fighting Green, and Sundogs do none of these things.

Fighting Hawks makes no sense. What even is that anyways?

We shouldn't put other local or regional entities in a bind (nor potentially open us up to trademark infringement proceedings) so Force and Roughriders are out.  This may also keep us from North Stars as well.

This leaves Spirit, Cavalry, Green Hawks, North Dakota, and Thunder Hawk.

Green Hawks -  Does the least for me.  Like Fighting Hawks, I'd have to be introduced to what they are and how are they worthy.  To me, it seems like a reach just to keep our current colors.

Thunder Hawk - A little better, but it should be one word and plural to make it sound better (Thunderhawks).

Spirit - This one GREATLY depends upon how it is presented.  If it is meant like an emotion (aka "We've got spirit, how about you?")  Then it is doomed to disaster.  However, the B-2 Stealth Bomber is nicknamed Spirit.  If it is after the Spectre or apparition definition of the word, then this could actually be pretty cool.  The logo could be a fierce looking fighter type character with fists clenched rushing towards the front (imagine a football helmet) with the rearward aspects of the character wisping off like a ghost...  It's kindof neat (mostly because I can see the image in my head better than I can describe it).  This nickname has potential.

Cavalry -  I like this one, but I'm sure the PC crowd won't.  It still is my runner up.

North Dakota - My choice.  I love the idea of being referred to as our state.  It's easier to market.  Oh, and the State Tourism Board can market the school for free 'Come to North Dakota'.  :)  Win Win.