Goon's World Extras

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Phoenix Coyotes: Glendale City Council votes 5-2 to nullify the Gila River Arena lease agreement

The Phoenix Coyotes saga is really turning into a gong show. This is a huge Charlie foxtrot. Last night, the Glendale City Council voted to nullify the Gila River Arena lease agreement. Here's the release by from the Coyotes. At what point does the NHL pull the pin on the Coyotes and move the team to another city that might actually appreciate them? I just don't see an end to this mess.
GLENDALE -- The City Council of Glendale on Wednesday night voted, 5-2, to cancel its arena lease agreement with the Coyotes – a 15-year deal established in July of 2013.

After the vote, attorney Nicholas Wood said the team would file for injunctive relief and a temporary restraining order, and file a $200 million lawsuit against the City.

"What we have witnessed here tonight is possibly the most shameful exhibition of government I have ever witnessed," Coyotes Co-Owner, President and CEO Anthony LeBlanc said. "The citizens of Glendale should be very concerned about the government that they have leading them right now, because this was not appropriate… We have been absolutely wronged this evening by a group that is acting in incredibly bad faith."

He added: "Our view is the team will remain here, but the City is not acting in a business-friendly way and should be ashamed."

While the City Council meeting was taking place, NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman told Hockey Night in Canada viewers: "I'm not concerned about the Coyotes. If I lived in Glendale, I'd be concerned about my government." LeBlanc said he was pleased by the number of Coyotes fans who attended the meeting and especially pleased by those who took the time to vocally support the team during the portion of the meeting designated for public comments.

"One thing that was illustrated tonight is that we have fantastic fans,” LeBlanc said. “God love them for coming back to this council chamber after all the times they’ve been in here over the years."

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