Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Herald Letter: For UND's sake, let university adopt new nickname

I am sure that the Fighting Sioux supporters will be excited with this lecture. Does anyone want to bet this guy is also a supporter of the nickname Sundogs? It sounds like it. First, I don't think that anyone is suggesting that we go back to the Fighting Sioux nickname.

Also, there's no reason to just select a new nickname for the sole reason having a new one. This is why I caution the UND nickname committee to proceed carefully. Don't let the Paul Clines of the world dictate the terms moving forward.

(Link to the Letter)
In many ways, these past few years have been the time of political lost causes. In Washington, Republicans in Congress have tried unsuccessfully more than 70 times to repeal Obamacare. Likewise, it's impossible to watch Fox News for any length of time without someone bringing up Benghazi and Hillary Clinton.

Although the issue has been a GOP talking point for two years, it is a story that never gains traction, much to the tea party's dismay.

Closer to home, we have our own never-ending story: the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo. Despite gallons of journalistic ink, several court cases and a statewide vote to repeal the name that passed by a 2-to-1 margin, there is a segment of North Dakota society that cannot let go.

While I understand their frustration and can quote Eunice and David Davidson's arguments verbatim (that is how long this story has been around), there comes a time when clinging to one's sincerely held beliefs stops being a virtue and simply becomes a form of pride and idolatry.

I do not begrudge the other side their belief. They have fought long and hard for a cause they believe in deeply.

But I do resent their efforts to sabotage UND's future by erecting roadblocks in the process of choosing a new name. Despite their rhetoric, their actions show a profound animosity toward the institution they claim to support.

Continuing to compete as North Dakota would be acceptable if none of the other names were satisfactory. That is not the case.

The people of North Dakota voted to retire the nickname. It would take UND dropping out of the NCAA and another statewide vote to reinstate the name. Neither is going to happen.

It is wrong to block the future because of hard feelings over the past. It is time to move on.

Paul Cline, Grand Forks

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